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Java File Handling Programs
Java program to append text/string in a file
In this java program, we are going to learn how to append text/string in a given file? Here, we have a file with some pre written content and we are appending text in it.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on October 19, 2017
Problem statement
Given a file and we have to append text/string in the file using java program.
There is a file named "IncludeHelp.txt" which is stored at my system in "E:" drive under "JAVA" folder (you can choose your path), and file contains the following text,
This is sample text.
File's content: "This is sample text."
Text to append: "Text to be appended."
File's content after appending: "This is sample text.Text to be appended."
Java program to append text/string in a file
import java.io.*;
public class AppendFile {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//file name with path
String strFilePath = "E:/JAVA/IncludeHelp.txt";
try {
//file output stream to open and write data
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(strFilePath, true);
//string to be appended
String strContent = "Text to be appended.";
//appending text/string
//closing the file
System.out.println("Content Successfully Append into File...");
} catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
System.out.println("FileNotFoundException : " + ex.toString());
} catch (IOException ioe) {
System.out.println("IOException : " + ioe.toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception: " + e.toString());
Content Successfully Append into File...
Java File Handling Programs »