
Golang Tutorial

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Golang goto Statement Programs

Just like other programming languages, the goto statement in Golang is a jumping statement and provides an unconditional jump from the goto statement to a specified label in the same block. The label name can be a valid identifier.

This section contains the solved Golang goto statement programs. Practice these Golang goto statement programs to learn the jumping concepts, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the Golang goto statement programs.

List of Golang goto Statement Programs

  1. Golang program to print 'Hello World' 5 times using the goto statement
  2. Golang program to print the table of the given number using the goto statement
  3. Golang program to read the name and print it 5 times using the goto statement
  4. Golang program to print the Hex value of numbers from 1 to 100 using the goto statement
  5. Golang program to print the Octal value of numbers from 1 to 100 using the goto statement
  6. Golang program to print the ASCII value of specified string using the goto statement
  7. Golang program to calculate the factorial of a given number using goto statement
  8. Golang program to calculate the power of a given number using goto statement
  9. Golang program to reverse the given number using goto statement
  10. Golang program to check the given number is palindrome or not using goto statement
  11. Golang program to check the given number is an Armstrong number or not using goto statement
  12. Golang program to print Fibonacci series using goto statement
  13. Golang program to check the given number is a Prime Number or not using goto statement
  14. Golang program to check the given number is the perfect number or not using goto statement


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