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Golang Comments
By IncludeHelp Last updated : October 05, 2024
Golang Comments
Golang comments are used to write the description (explanation) of the logic, function, class, etc. in the source code that should not be executed (or ignored by the compiler).
The comments in Golang are used for the same and they are not executed by the compiler i.e., the comment section is ignored by the compiler while the execution.
There are two types of comments in Golang:
- Golang Single Line Comment
- Golang Multi-line Comment
Golang Single Line Comment
The single-line comment is created by the double forward-slash (//). Whenever we want to write any description or hide any line of the code, we use the double forward-slash to comment on it.
// text
Example of Golang Single Line Comment
//Golang program to print "Hello World".
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
//Declare a string type variable
var var1 string
//Assign a string to the variable
var1 = "Hello World"
Hello World
In the above code, following are the comments,
//Golang program to print "Hello World".
//Declare a string type variable
//Assign a string to the variable
Golang Multi-line Comment
The multi-line comment is also known as Block Comments, it is started by the /* and ends with the */. So, any piece of code or text enclosed with the /* and */ is considered as multi-line commented. Single line comments can be also be written within these characters (/*...*/).
/* Line 1 */
/* Line 1
Line 2
Example of Golang Multi-line Comment
/* Golang program to
print "Hello World".
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
/*Declare a string type variable*/
var var1 string
/*Assign a string to the variable*/
var1 = "Hello World"
Hello World
In the above code, following are the comments,
/* Golang program to
print "Hello World".
/*Declare a string type variable*/
/*Assign a string to the variable*/