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Golang Data Types
By IncludeHelp Last updated : October 05, 2024
Data Types in Go Language
Go data types are used to describe the type of the data. A data type tells the type of data that a Go variable can store. Memory for a variable is also created based on the data type.
Go language has many built-in data types which we will now read in more detail.
The Golang data types can be classified as follows –
Basic Types
Boolean Types
- true
- false
Numeric Types
- Integer Types
- Floating Types
- Complex Types
- String Types
Aggregate Types
- Arrays
- Structures
Reference Types
- Pointers
- Slices
- Maps
- Functions
- Channels
- Interface Types
In this Golang Data Types tutorial, we will learn about the basic types only.
Golang Basic Data Types
The basic data types further divided into 3 categories,
- Boolean Types
- Numeric Types
- String Types
(a) Go Boolean Types
true and false are only two values that come under Boolean types, it represents only one bit of the information.
The bool keyword is used to declare a Boolean data type. And, its default value is false.
Example 1
// Golang program to demonstrate the
// example of Boolean types
package main
import (
func main() {
// declaring Boolean variables
var x bool = true
var y bool = false
var z bool // default value is false
// printing the values
fmt.Println("x = ", x)
fmt.Println("y = ", y)
fmt.Println("z = ", z)
x = true
y = false
z = false
Example 2
// Golang program to demonstrate the
// example of Boolean operations
package main
import (
func main() {
x := 10
y := 20
// printing the result and types
fmt.Printf("Expression: (x == y), Result: %t, Result Type: %T\n", x == y, x == y)
fmt.Printf("Expression: (x != y), Result: %t, Result Type: %T\n", x != y, x != y)
fmt.Printf("Expression: (x < y), Result: %t, Result Type: %T\n", x < y, x < y)
fmt.Printf("Expression: (x > y), Result: %t, Result Type: %T\n", x > y, x > y)
fmt.Printf("Expression: (x <= y), Result: %t, Result Type: %T\n", x <= y, x <= y)
fmt.Printf("Expression: (x >= y), Result: %t, Result Type: %T\n", x >= y, x >= y)
Expression: (x == y), Result: false, Result Type: bool
Expression: (x != y), Result: true, Result Type: bool
Expression: (x < y), Result: true, Result Type: bool
Expression: (x > y), Result: false, Result Type: bool
Expression: (x <= y), Result: true, Result Type: bool
Expression: (x >= y), Result: false, Result Type: bool
(b) Go Numeric Types
In Go language, numeric data types are,
- Integers
- Floating-Point Numbers
- Complex Numbers
(i) Integers
Both signed and unsigned integers types are available in the Go language. These types are available in 4 different sizes 8 bits, 16 bits, 32 bits, and 64 bits.
The integer types are –
Data Type |
Size |
Value Range |
Signed |
uint8 |
8 bits |
0 to 255 |
uint16 |
16 bits |
0 to 65535 |
uint32 |
32 bits |
0 to 4294967295 |
uint64 |
64 bits |
0 to 18446744073709551615 |
Unsigned |
int8 |
8 bits |
-128 to 127 |
int16 |
16 bits |
-32768 to 32767 |
int32 |
32 bits |
-2147483648 to 2147483647 |
int64 |
64 bits |
-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 |
Others |
byte |
8 bits |
Synonyms of int8 |
int |
32 bits or 64 bits based on the system architecture |
Signed integer value based on the size occupied. |
uint |
32 bits or 64 bits based on the system architecture |
Unsigned integer value based on the size occupied. |
rune |
32 bits |
Similar as int32, also represents Unicode code points. |
uintptr |
Not defined |
Can store the uninterpreted bits of a pointer value. |
// Golang program to demonstrate
// signed & unsigned integers
package main
import (
func main() {
// unsigned integers
var a uint8 = 0
var b uint16 = 0
var c uint32 = 0
var d uint64 = 0
// signed integers
var e int8 = -128
var f int16 = -32768
var g int32 = -2147483648
var h int64 = -9223372036854775808
fmt.Println("Minimum values....")
fmt.Println("a = ", a)
fmt.Println("b = ", b)
fmt.Println("c = ", c)
fmt.Println("e = ", e)
fmt.Println("f = ", f)
fmt.Println("g = ", g)
fmt.Println("h = ", h)
a = 255
b = 65535
c = 4294967295
d = 1844674407370955161
e = 127
f = 32767
g = 2147483647
h = 9223372036854775807
fmt.Println("Maximum values....")
fmt.Println("a = ", a)
fmt.Println("b = ", b)
fmt.Println("c = ", c)
fmt.Println("d = ", d)
fmt.Println("e = ", e)
fmt.Println("f = ", f)
fmt.Println("g = ", g)
fmt.Println("h = ", h)
Minimum values....
a = 0
b = 0
c = 0
e = -128
f = -32768
g = -2147483648
h = -9223372036854775808
Maximum values....
a = 255
b = 65535
c = 4294967295
d = 1844674407370955161
e = 127
f = 32767
g = 2147483647
h = 9223372036854775807
(ii) Floating-Point Numbers
Golang has two data types for floating-point numbers which are float32 and float64.
Data Type |
Size |
Value Range |
float32 |
32 bits |
Single precision floating, IEEE 754 floating-point number |
float64 |
64 bits |
Double precision, IEEE 754 floating-point number |
// Golang program to demonstrate
// the floating-point types
package main
import (
func main() {
var a float32 = 12.123456789
var b float64 = 12.123456789
fmt.Println("a = ", a)
fmt.Println("b = ", b)
a = 12.123457
b = 12.123456789
(iii) Complex Numbers
Complex numbers consist of two parts real and imaginary. Go language has two data types for complex numbers which are complex64 and complex128. To create a complex number variable, Golang has built-in functions.
Data Type |
Size |
Value Range |
complex64 |
64 bits |
Complex numbers containing float32 value as real part and imaginary component. |
complex128 |
128 bits |
Complex numbers containing float64 value as real part and imaginary component. |
// Golang program to demonstrate
// the complex numbers
package main
import (
func main() {
var a complex64 = complex(123, 456)
var b complex128 = complex(123, 456)
fmt.Println("a = ", a)
fmt.Println("b = ", b)
a = (123+456i)
b = (123+456i)
(c) Go String Types
In Go language, the string is a sequence of immutable bytes (Unicode characters) that cannot be changed.
// Golang program to demonstrate
// the string types
package main
import (
func main() {
var str1 string = "New Delhi, India"
var str2 string
str2 = "Hello, world!"
str3 := "Hi, there?"
fmt.Println("str1 = ", str1)
fmt.Println("str2 = ", str2)
fmt.Println("str3 = ", str3)
str1 = New Delhi, India
str2 = Hello, world!
str3 = Hi, there?