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Golang User-defined Function Programs

In Golang, the functions are also a type and a user-defined function can be declared using the type keyword. Two functions can be the same type if – 1) the number of arguments of the same type, and 2) the number of return values of the same type.

This section contains the solved Golang user-defined function programs. Practice these Golang user-defined function programs to learn the user-defined function concepts, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the Golang user-defined function programs.

List of Golang User-defined Function Programs

  1. Golang program to create a user-defined function
  2. Golang program to create a user-defined function to add two integer numbers
  3. Golang program to demonstrate the call by value mechanism in a user-defined function
  4. Golang program to demonstrate the call by reference mechanism in a user-defined function
  5. Golang program to pass an array in a user-defined function
  6. Golang program to return an array from a user-defined function
  7. Golang program to pass a structure to the user-defined function
  8. Golang program to return a structure from the user-defined function
  9. Golang program to return multiple values from a user-defined function
  10. Golang program to demonstrate the function closure
  11. Golang program to implement a user-defined function as a method
  12. Golang program to pass the pointer variables in a user-defined function


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