
Golang Tutorial

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Golang os Package Programs

In Go language, the os package provides a platform-independent interface (methods) to operating system functionality. The os package allows us to manipulate the files, directories, and other operations related to the operating system.

This section contains the solved Golang os Package programs. Practice these programs to learn the concept of the operating system, files & directory related operations, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the Golang os Package programs.

List of Golang os Package Programs

  1. Golang program to get the hostname of the computer
  2. Golang program to demonstrate the os.Exit() function
  3. Golang program to get path separator using os.PathSeparator constant
  4. Golang program to get the null device
  5. Golang program to print environment detail
  6. Golang program to print the value of specified environment variable
  7. Golang program to print the value of environment variable using os.LookupEnv()
  8. Golang program to set the value of environment variable
  9. Golang program to unset the value of environment variable
  10. Golang program to demonstrate the os.Expand() function
  11. Golang program to demonstrate the os.ExpandEnv() function
  12. Golang program to get the user's home directory
  13. Golang program to get the information about the current user
  14. Golang program to get the current working directory using os.Getwd() function
  15. Golang program to change the current working directory using os.Chdir() function


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