Golang Array Programs

An array is a numbered sequence of an element with a specified length in Golang (Go Language). For an example, arr [n]T : means arr is an array of n element of type T.

Consider the below expression,

var x[5]int

It declares an array x with 5 elements of int type.

This section contains the solved Golang array programs. Practice these Golang array programs to learn the array concepts, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the Golang array programs.

List of Golang Array Programs

  1. Golang program to demonstrate the example of an Array
  2. Golang program to demonstrate the shorthand declaration of an Array
  3. Golang program to create an array without specifying its size
  4. Golang program to get the size of the array
  5. Golang program to print the array elements without using the loop
  6. Golang program to create an array with the existing array
  7. Golang program to compare two arrays using equal to (==) operator
  8. Golang program to calculate the sum of all array elements
  9. Golang program to find the largest elements from the array
  10. Golang program to find the second largest elements from the array
  11. Golang program to print even numbers of the array
  12. Golang program to merge two arrays into third array
  13. Golang program to reverse an integer array
  14. Golang program to print the prime numbers from an integer array
  15. Golang program to search an item in the array using linear search
  16. Golang program to search an item in the array using binary search
  17. Golang program to search an item in the array using interpolation search
  18. Golang program to sort an integer array in ascending order using bubble sort
  19. Golang program to sort an integer array in descending order using bubble sort
  20. Golang program to sort an integer array in ascending order using insertion sort
  21. Golang program to sort an integer array in descending order using insertion sort
  22. Golang program to sort an integer array in ascending order using selection sort
  23. Golang program to sort an integer array in descending order using selection sort
  24. Golang program to add two integer arrays
  25. Golang program to swap adjacent elements of a one-dimensional array
  26. Golang program to find the occurrence of an item in the array
  27. Golang program to find the first repeated element in the array
  28. Golang program to delete a given item from the array
  29. Golang program to insert an item in the array
  30. Golang program to read and print matrix using the two-dimensional matrix
  31. Golang program to calculate the sum of matrix elements
  32. Golang program to calculate the sum of rows elements of the matrix
  33. Golang program to calculate the sum of columns elements of matrix elements
  34. Golang program to print the Transpose of a matrix
  35. Golang program to print the left diagonal of the matrix
  36. Golang program to print the right diagonal of the matrix
  37. Golang program to print the sum of left diagonal elements of the matrix
  38. Golang program to print the sum of right diagonal elements of the matrix
  39. Golang program to add two matrices
  40. Golang program to multiply two matrices
  41. Golang program to demonstrate the multidimensional array


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