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Golang Date & Time Programs

In the Go programming language, the time package is used to provide the functionality for measuring & displaying time. The Date() function is used for getting the date.

This section contains the solved Golang Date & Time programs. Practice these Golang Date & Time programs to learn the Date & Time concepts, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the Golang Date & Time programs.

List of Golang Date & Time Programs

  1. Golang program to get current date and time
  2. Golang program to print current date-time in different formats using Format() function
  3. Golang program to get the date, month, year in different variables using Date() function
  4. Golang program to print date and time in different formats using format constants
  5. Golang program to print individual elements of date and time using the inbuilt function
  6. Golang program to demonstrate the AddDate() function
  7. Golang program to compare a specified date comes after another date or not
  8. Golang program to compare a specified date comes before another date or not
  9. Golang program to pause program execution for the specified duration
  10. Golang program to find the difference between two times
  11. Golang program to demonstrate the ParseDuration() function
  12. Golang program to add given number of days to the specified date
  13. Golang program to add given number of hours to the specified time
  14. Golang program to check two dates are equal or not
  15. Golang program to get the Weekday of the specified date
  16. Golang program to convert a date-time object into a string
  17. Golang program to compare two dates
  18. Golang program to print tomorrow's date
  19. Golang program to print yesterday's date
  20. Golang program to demonstrate the hours() function
  21. Golang program to demonstrate the Minutes() function
  22. Golang program to demonstrate the Nanoseconds() function
  23. Golang program to demonstrate the Seconds() function
  24. Golang program to print date and time according to the specified location
  25. Golang program to print all months using predefined constants


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