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JavaScript | Example of Ternary Operator

JavaScript | Ternary Operator Example: Here, we are going to learn about Ternary Operator with an Example.
Submitted by Pankaj Singh, on October 17, 2018

JavaScript | Example of Ternary Operator

Here, we are inputting age of the person and checking whether person is eligible for voting or not in JavaScript?

JavaScript code (along with HTML):

<!DOCTYPE html>

            function Check(){
                var age=parseInt(document.getElementById("txtage").value);
                var status = (age>=18)?"Eligible":"Not Eligible";
        <h2>Ternary Operator</h2>
        <hr />
                    <label>Enter Age:</label>
                    <input type="text" name="txtage" id="txtage" />
                    <input type="button" value="Check Vote Eligiblity" onclick="Check()" />
                    <span id="ans">


JS | Ternary Operator in JS

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