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JavaScript code to check number is Armstrong or not
In this JavaScript code, we are going to check whether a given number is Armstrong number or not.
Submitted by Aleesha Ali, on March 28, 2018
Armstrong number
A number is said to be Armstrong when its value is equal to its sum of cube of digits.
Number: 153
It is a prime number
153 = (1*1*1) + (5*5*5) + (3*3*3) = 1+125+27 = 153
Here, number (153) is equal to its sum of the digits cube (153).
JavaScript code to check whether a Number is Armstrong or Not
function Armstrong()
var flag,number,remainder,addition = 0;
number = Number(document.getElementById("N").value);
flag = number;
while(number > 0)
remainder = number%10;
addition = addition + remainder*remainder*remainder;
number = parseInt(number/10);
if(addition == flag)
window.alert("-The inputed number is Armstrong");
window.alert("-The inputed number is not Armstrong");
Calling JavaScript function in HTML (HTML, JS Code)
function Armstrong()
var flag,number,remainder,addition = 0;
number = Number(document.getElementById("N").value);
flag = number;
while(number > 0)
remainder = number%10;
addition = addition + remainder*remainder*remainder;
number = parseInt(number/10);
if(addition == flag)
window.alert("-The inputed number is Armstrong");
window.alert("-The inputed number is not Armstrong");
<h1>Whether a number is Armstrong or not</h1>
Enter The Number :<input type="text" name="n" id = "N"/>
<hr color="cyan">
<center><button onClick="Armstrong()">CHECK</button>
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