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Get current date, month and year in JavaScript

In this article, we will learn how to get current date, month and year in JavaScript using the built in Date object and its methods?
Submitted by Abhishek Pathak, on October 28, 2017

Many of the websites rely on Date and Time for providing interaction, such as event based websites. The client side scripting language JavaScript handles it very well through the built in Date object and the methods associated with it. In this article, we will learn how to get today's date, current month and current year in JavaScript?

Get current date, month and year in JavaScript

First, we will create a date object that will be the current Date-Time object. Using the Date() constructor we can create a date object. In the following code, we define a date variable today using the new operator which will create a date object of today's date and store in today variable.


var today = new Date();
//Today's Date: 27-10-2017

Now, we will use the Date object methods available to get the current Date, current month and current year. JavaScript provides with three different methods for each of them and here's how they are used.

Get Current Date

To get the current date, use the getDate() method. This method returns the today's date and it does not expect any argument. Here is an example,


var today = new Date();
var date = today.getDate(); // Returns 27
console.log(date); // Output: 27

Get Current Month

To get the current month, use the getMonth() method. This method returns the current month and it does not expect any argument. Note that, it returns value ranging from 0 to 11 for 12 months. This means January is 0 and December is 11. Here is an example,


var today = new Date();
var month = today.getMonth(); // Returns 9
console.log(month); // Output: 9

Get Current Year

To get the current year, use the getFullYear() method. This method returns the current year and like the getDate and getMonth, it does not expect any argument. Here is an example,


var today = new Date();
var year = today.getFullYear(); // Returns 2017
console.log(year); // Output: 2017

How easily we can get the today's date parameters with in-built JavaScript Date methods. If you like the article, share your thoughts in the comments below.

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