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How to check whether a string contains a substring in JavaScript?

In this example, we are going to learn how to check whether a string contains a substring or not in JavaScript?
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on February 14, 2019

Given a string, substring and we have to check whether a string contains a substring or not?

Checking string contains substring or not

There are two popular ways to check whether a substring exists in a string or not?

  1. Using JavaScript includes() method
  2. Using JavaScript indexOf() method

Using JavaScript includes() method

includes() method is a string method in JavaScript, it returns true if the string contains a substring or not?



JavaScript Code to check whether a string contains a substring or not using includes() method

	var str = "Hello world!";
	var substr = "Hello";
		document.write(str + " contains " + substr + "<br>");
		document.write(str + " does not contain " + substr + "<br>");

	substr = "Okay";
		document.write(str + " contains " + substr + "<br>");
		document.write(str + " does not contain " + substr + "<br>");


Hello world! contains Hello
Hello world! does not contain Okay

Using JavaScript indexOf() method

indexOf() is a string method in JavaScript, if substring founds in the string - it returns the starting position of the substring if substring does not found in the string – it returns -1.



JavaScript Code to check whether a string contains a substring or not using indexOf() method

	var str = "Hello world!";
	var substr = "Hello";
	if(str.indexOf(substr) != -1){
		document.write(str + " contains " + substr + "<br>");
		document.write(str + " does not contain " + substr + "<br>");

	substr = "Okay";
	if(str.indexOf(substr) != -1){
		document.write(str + " contains " + substr + "<br>");
		document.write(str + " does not contain " + substr + "<br>");


Hello world! contains Hello
Hello world! does not contain Okay

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