Constant & Method |
Description |
Math.LN2 |
It returns the value of natural log 2. |
Math.LN10 |
It returns the value of natural log 10. |
Math.PI |
It returns the value of PI constant. |
Math.SQRT1_2 |
It returns the value of square root of ½. |
Math.SQRT2 |
It returns the value of square root of 2. |
Math.LOG10E |
It returns the value of base 10 logarithm of E. |
Math.abs() |
It returns the absolute value of the given number. |
Math.pow() |
It returns the value of x to the power of y, where x is the first parameter and y is the second parameter. |
Math.sqrt() |
It returns the square root of the given number. |
Math.cbrt() |
It returns the cube root of the given number. |
Math.round() |
It returns the rounded value (nearest to given integer) of the given number. |
Math.min() |
It returns the smallest value from the given values. |
Math.max() |
It returns the largest value from the given values. |
Math.sign() |
It returns the sign of the given value. |
Math.trunc() |
It returns the integer part of the given value. |
Math.log() |
It returns the natural logarithm of given value. |
Math.log2() |
It returns the base-2 logarithm of given value. |
Math.log10() |
It returns the base-10 logarithm of given value. |
Math.exp() |
It returns the value of Ex. |
Math.expm1() |
It returns the value of EP-1. |
Math.random() |
It returns the random number between 0 to 1. |
Math.sin() |
It returns the sine value of the given number. |
Math.asin() |
It returns the arcsine value of the given number. |
Math.sinh() |
It returns the hyperbolic sine of the given number. |
Math.asinh() |
It returns the hyperbolic arcsine of the given number. |
Math.cos() |
It returns the cosine value of the given number. |
Math.acos() |
It returns the arccosine value of the given number. |
Math.cosh() |
It returns the hyperbolic cosine value of the given number. |
Math.acosh() |
It returns the hyperbolic arccosine value of the given number. |
Math.tan() |
It returns the tangent of an angle. |
Math.tanh() |
It returns the hyperbolic tangent of an angle. |
Math.atan() |
It returns the arctangent of an angle. |
Math.atan2() |
It returns the arctangent of the quotient of its given parameters. |
Math.atanh() |
It returns the hyperbolic arctangent of an angle. |
Math.ceil() |
It returns the given number, rounded upwards to the nearest integer. |
Math.floor() |
It returns the given number, rounded downwards to the nearest integer. |
Math.clz32() |
It returns the number of leading zeros in a 32-bit binary representation of the given number. |
Math.imul() |
It returns the 32-bit multiplication of the given values. |