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JavaScript String Object Methods

The String is an object in JavaScript which is used to store a sequence of characters.

In JavaScript, the String object contains various methods which are used for string-related operations.

JavaScript String Object Methods: This section contains various String object methods with examples.

List of JavaScript String Object Methods

Method Description
toLowerCase() It converts all alphabets in lowercase and returns the new string with lowercase alphabets
toUpperCase() It converts all alphabets in uppercase and returns the new string with uppercase alphabets.
startsWith() It checks whether a string starts with a specified substring or not.
endsWith() It checks whether a string ends with a specified substring or not.
charAt() It returns the character of specified index from the string.
charCodeAt() It returns the Unicode of character at the specified index in the string.
fromCharCode() It returns the character from the given Unicode(s).
substr() It extracts a part of the string (substring) from the given string.
replace() It replaces a given part of the string in another given string and returns new string.
indexOf() It checks whether a substring exists in the given string or not.
lastIndexOf() It checks whether a substring exists in the given string or not.
search() It checks whether a substring exists in the given string or not.
concat() It concatenates (joins) two or more strings and returns a new joined string.
includes() It checks if the character is present in the string or not.
repeat() It generates a string by repeating the calling string n number of times.
normalize() It finds the Unicode normalized form of the string passed as a parameter to the function.
slice() It returns a part of the string.
localeCompare() It compares two strings.
substring() It returns a part of the string.
valueOf() It returns the value of the given string.
indexOf() Vs. search() Learn the differences between indexOf() and search() methods in JavaScript.

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