
Java Programs

Java Practice

Java Applet program to display moving text or content

Here, we are going to write a java applet program that will display moving text (content) on the screen.
Submitted by Chandra Shekhar, on January 11, 2018

Given a message or a text, co-ordinates and the initial state this will help in moving the text using java applet program.

Applet program to display moving text in java

// This java program will move the 
// text using applet

package Applet;

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;

public class MovingContent extends Applet implements Runnable {
  // enter message
  String msg = "Welcome to Includehelp.";
  Thread t = null;

  // initialize here.
  int state;
  boolean stopFlag;

  // Set colors and initialize text..
  public void init() {

  // Start the text....
  public void start() {
    t = new Thread(this);
    stopFlag = false;

  // Entry point which runs the text.
  public void run() {
    char ch;

    // Display text reapeated times.
    for (;;) {
      try {
        ch = msg.charAt(0);
        msg = msg.substring(1, msg.length());
        msg += ch;
        if (stopFlag)
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {

  // Pause the text.
  public void stop() {
    stopFlag = true;
    t = null;

  // Display the text.
  public void paint(Graphics g) {
    g.drawString(msg, 50, 30);


Moving text/content in java applet

Java Applet Programs »

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