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Golang strings.ToLower() Function with Examples

Golang | strings.ToLower() Function: Here, we are going to learn about the ToLower() function of the strings package with its usages, syntax, and examples.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on August 19, 2021


The ToLower() function is an inbuilt function of strings package which is used to get a copy of the string with all Unicode letters mapped to their lower case. It accepts a string and returns the string with all Unicode letters mapped to their lower case.


func ToLower(str string) string


  • str : The string to be used to get the lowercase.

Return Value

The return type of ToLower() function is a string, it returns a copy of the string with all Unicode letters mapped to their lower case.

Example 1

// Golang program to demonstrate the
// example of strings.ToLower() Function

package main

import (

func main() {
	fmt.Println(strings.ToLower("always deliver more than expected."))
	fmt.Println(strings.ToLower("Nothing will work unless you do."))
	fmt.Println(strings.ToLower("It's not about ideas. ..."))
	fmt.Println(strings.ToLower("what would you do if you were not afraid?"))


always deliver more than expected.
nothing will work unless you do.
it's not about ideas. ...
what would you do if you were not afraid?

Example 2

// Golang program to demonstrate the
// example of strings.ToLower() Function

package main

import (

func main() {
	fmt.Println(strings.ToLower("abc123, 123abc, abc123xyz"))
	fmt.Println(strings.ToLower("ABC123, 123ABC, ABC123XYZ"))
	fmt.Println(strings.ToLower("okay@123! OKAY@123! 123!@okay"))


abc123, 123abc, abc123xyz
abc123, 123abc, abc123xyz
okay@123! okay@123! 123!@okay

Golang strings Package Functions »


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