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How to split a path into the directory and file names in Golang?
Given a path, we have to split it into the directory and file names in Golang.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on October 28, 2021 [Last updated : March 05, 2023]
Splitting a path into the directory and file names in Golang
In the Go programming language, to split the given path into the directory and file names – we use the Split() function of the path/filepath package. The Split() function splits the given path immediately following the final Separator, separating it into a directory and file name component. If there is no Separator in the given path, the Split() function returns an empty directory (dir) and file set to path. The returned values have the property that path = dir+file.
func Split(path string) (dir, file string)
Consider the below Golang program demonstrating how to split a path into the directory and file names?
Golang code to split a path into the directory and file names
package main
import (
func main() {
// Defining paths
path1 := "/programs/course1/hello1.go"
path2 := "/programs/hello2.go"
// Calling Split() function to get the
// DIR and FILE names
dir, file := filepath.Split(path1)
fmt.Println("From the path:", path1)
fmt.Println("dir:", dir)
fmt.Println("file:", file)
dir, file = filepath.Split(path2)
fmt.Println("From the path:", path1)
fmt.Println("dir:", dir)
fmt.Println("file:", file)
From the path: /programs/course1/hello1.go
dir: /programs/course1/
file: hello1.go
From the path: /programs/course1/hello1.go
dir: /programs/
file: hello2.go
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