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How to get the system information using syscall in Golang?

Here, we will learn to get the system information using syscall in Golang.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on November 13, 2021 [Last updated : March 05, 2023]

Getting the system information using syscall in Golang

In the Go programming language, to get the system information using syscall – we use the Sysinfo() function of the syscall package. The Sysinfo() function is used to get the system information. It returns (assigns) the following information in the Sysinfo_t structure and Sysinfo_t contains the following fields:

type Sysinfo_t struct {
    Uptime    int64
    Loads     [3]uint64
    Totalram  uint64
    Freeram   uint64
    Sharedram uint64
    Bufferram uint64
    Totalswap uint64
    Freeswap  uint64
    Procs     uint16
    Pad       uint16
    Pad_cgo_0 [4]byte
    Totalhigh uint64
    Freehigh  uint64
    Unit      uint32
    X_f       [0]byte
    Pad_cgo_1 [4]byte

Reference: Sysinfo_t


func Sysinfo(info *Sysinfo_t) (err error)

Consider the below example demonstrating how to get the system information using syscall in Golang?

Golang code to get the system information using syscall

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Creating an object of Sysinfo_t
	sysinfo := syscall.Sysinfo_t{}

	// Calling the function Sysinfo()
	// to get the system information
	err := syscall.Sysinfo(&sysinfo)

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error:", err)

	// Printing the structure value
	fmt.Println("sysinfo:", sysinfo)

	// Printing the fields values
	fmt.Println("Uptime:", sysinfo.Uptime)
	fmt.Println("Loads:", sysinfo.Loads)
	fmt.Println("Totalram:", sysinfo.Totalram)
	fmt.Println("Freeram:", sysinfo.Freeram)
	fmt.Println("Sharedram:", sysinfo.Sharedram)
	fmt.Println("Bufferram:", sysinfo.Bufferram)
	fmt.Println("Totalswap:", sysinfo.Totalswap)
	fmt.Println("Freeswap:", sysinfo.Freeswap)
	fmt.Println("Procs:", sysinfo.Procs)
	fmt.Println("Pad:", sysinfo.Pad)
	fmt.Println("Pad_cgo_0:", sysinfo.Pad_cgo_0)
	fmt.Println("Totalhigh:", sysinfo.Totalhigh)
	fmt.Println("Freehigh:", sysinfo.Freehigh)
	fmt.Println("Unit:", sysinfo.Unit)
	fmt.Println("X_f:", sysinfo.X_f)
	fmt.Println("Pad_cgo_1:", sysinfo.Pad_cgo_1)


sysinfo: {8 [0 0 0] 104857600 74522624 0 0 0 0 15 0 [0 0 0 0] 0 0 1 [] [0 0 0 0]}
Uptime: 8
Loads: [0 0 0]
Totalram: 104857600
Freeram: 74522624
Sharedram: 0
Bufferram: 0
Totalswap: 0
Freeswap: 0
Procs: 15
Pad: 0
Pad_cgo_0: [0 0 0 0]
Totalhigh: 0
Freehigh: 0
Unit: 1
X_f: []
Pad_cgo_1: [0 0 0 0]

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