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How to get the disk usage information in Golang?
Here, we will learn to get the disk usage information in Golang.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on November 12, 2021 [Last updated : March 05, 2023]
Getting the disk usage information in Golang
In the Go programming language, to get disk usage information – we use the Statfs() function of the syscall package. The Statfs() function is used to get the filesystem statistics.
func Statfs(path string, buf *Statfs_t) (err error)
Consider the below example demonstrating how to get disk usage information in Golang?
Golang code to get the disk usage information
package main
import (
// Creating structure for DiskStatus
type DiskStatus struct {
All uint64 `json:"All"`
Used uint64 `json:"Used"`
Free uint64 `json:"Free"`
// Function to get
// disk usage of path/disk
func DiskUsage(path string) (disk DiskStatus) {
fs := syscall.Statfs_t{}
err := syscall.Statfs(path, &fs)
if err != nil {
disk.All = fs.Blocks * uint64(fs.Bsize)
disk.Free = fs.Bfree * uint64(fs.Bsize)
disk.Used = disk.All - disk.Free
// Defining constants to convert size units
const (
B = 1
KB = 1024 * B
MB = 1024 * KB
GB = 1024 * MB
func main() {
// Getting filesystem statistics
disk := DiskUsage("/")
fmt.Printf("All: %.2f GB\n", float64(disk.All)/float64(GB))
fmt.Printf("Used: %.2f GB\n", float64(disk.Used)/float64(GB))
fmt.Printf("Free: %.2f GB\n", float64(disk.Free)/float64(GB))
All: 28.90 GB
Used: 24.47 GB
Free: 4.44 GB
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