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Golang Conversions | Find Output Programs | Set 1

This section contains the Golang conversions find output programs (set 1) with their output and explanations.
Submitted by Nidhi, on October 21, 2021

Program 1:

package main

import "fmt"
import "strconv"

func main() {
	var str1 string = "123"
	var str2 string = "abc"
	var num int64

	num, _ = strconv.ParseInt(str1, 0, 64)
	fmt.Println("Num : ", num)

	num, _ = strconv.ParseInt(str2, 0, 64)
	fmt.Println("Num : ", num)


Num :  123
Num :  0


In the main() function, we created two string variables. Then we converted the created strings into numbers using ParseInt() function. The ParseInt() returns 0 if the given string does not contain a number. After that, we printed the result.

Program 2:

package main

import "fmt"
import "strconv"

func main() {
	var str1 string = "123"
	var str2 string = "456"

	var ptr *string
	var num int64

	ptr = &str1
	num, _ = strconv.ParseInt(*ptr, 0, 64)
	fmt.Println("Num : ", num)

	ptr = &str2
	num, _ = strconv.ParseInt(*ptr, 0, 64)
	fmt.Println("Num : ", num)


Num :  123
Num :  456


In the main() function, we created two string variables and a pointer to the string. Then we converted the created strings into numbers with pointer using ParseInt() function. The ParseInt() returns 0 if the given string does not contain a number. After that, we printed the result.

Program 3:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var str1 string = "123"
	var str2 string = "456"
	var num int64

	num, _ = int64(str1)
	fmt.Println("Num : ", num)

	num, _ = int64(str2)
	fmt.Println("Num : ", num)


./prog.go:10:9: assignment mismatch: 2 variables but 1 value
./prog.go:10:16: cannot convert str1 (type string) to type int64
./prog.go:13:9: assignment mismatch: 2 variables but 1 value
./prog.go:13:16: cannot convert str2 (type string) to type int64


The above program will generate syntax errors because we cannot convert the string into an integer using the int64() function.

Program 4:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var num1 float64 = 123.45
	var num2 float64 = 456.12
	var ptr *float64
	var num int64

	ptr = &num1
	num = int64(*ptr)
	fmt.Println("Num1 : ", num)

	ptr = &num2
	num = int64(*ptr)
	fmt.Println("Num2 : ", num)


Num1 :  123
Num2 :  456


In the main() function, we created two float variables and a pointer to float. Then we converted the created float numbers into integer numbers with pointer using int64() function. After that, we printed the result.

Program 5:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var num1 float64 = 123.45
	var num2 float64 = -456.12
	var ptr *float64
	var num int64

	ptr = &num1
	num = byte(*ptr)
	fmt.Println("Num1 : ", num)

	ptr = &num2
	num = byte(*ptr)
	fmt.Println("Num2 : ", num)


./prog.go:12:6: cannot use byte(*ptr) (type byte) as type int64 in assignment
./prog.go:16:6: cannot use byte(*ptr) (type byte) as type int64 in assignment


The above program will generate syntax errors. Because byte() function returns byte value after conversion but here we tried to assign byte value into an integer.

Golang Find Output Programs »


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