VB.Net find output programs (Data Types) | set 4

By Nidhi Last Updated : November 14, 2024

Question 1:

Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
        dim num1 as Single = 10.23
        dim num2 as Double = 10.45
        dim num3 as UShort =  25
        Console.WriteLine("Type of num1: {0}",num1.GetType())
        Console.WriteLine("Type of num2: {0}",num2.GetType())
        Console.WriteLine("Type of num3: {0}",num3.GetType())
    End Sub
End Module


Type of num1: System.Single
Type of num2: System.Double
Type of num3: System.UInt16


In the above program, we created 3 variables. Then we used GetType() method the type of the variable and printed the result.

Question 2:

Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
        dim num as Single = 10.23
        if(num.GetType() = "System.Single")
        end if
    End Sub
End Module


main.vb (6,44) : error VBNC30518: CHANGEME

There were 1 errors and 0 warnings.


The above program will generate a syntax error because GetType() method does not return the string, but we are comparing its result with the string "System.Single". So here we need to convert the result of the GetType() method into the string using the ToString() method.

Question 3:

Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
        dim num as Single = 10.23
        if(num.GetType().ToString = "System.Single")
        end if
    End Sub
End Module




In the above program, we created a variable num of type Single. Then we used GetType() method to get its type and then we convert the result of the GetType() method into the string using the ToString() method. So the "if" condition gets true and printed "Hello" message.

Question 4:

Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
        dim num1 as SByte = 12
        dim num2 as SByte = 20
        dim num3 as Byte  = 0 
        num3 = num1*num2
        Console.WriteLine("Result is: "&num3)
    End Sub
End Module


Result is: 240


In the above program, we created 2 variables num1, num2, num3 that are initialized with 12, 20, 0 respectively. Then we multiply the values of num1 and num2 and assigned the result to the num3 variable. After that, we printed the result.

Question 5:

Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
        dim num1 as SByte = 12
        dim num2 as SByte = 20
        dim num3 as Integer  = 0 
        num3 = len(num1)*len(num2)/ len(num1.GetType().ToString)
        Console.WriteLine("Result is: "&num3)
    End Sub
End Module


Result is: 0


In the above program, we created 2 variables num1, num2, num3 that are initialized with 12, 20, 0.

Now we evaluate the expression,

num3 = len(num1)*len(num2)/ len(num1.GetType().ToString)
num3 = 1*1/len(“System.SByte”)
num3 = 1/12
num3 = 0

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