VB.Net find output programs (Data Types) | set 3

By Nidhi Last Updated : November 14, 2024

Question 1:

Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
        dim num1 as SDouble=-10.34
        dim num2 as UShort=20
        Console.WriteLine("Num1: {0}",num1)
        Console.WriteLine("Num2: {0}",num2)
    End Sub
End Module


main.vb (4,28) : error VBNC30451: 'SDouble' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
There were 1 errors and 0 warnings.


The above program will generate a syntax error because there is no SDouble data type in VB.NET.

Question 2:

Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
        dim num1 as Double=-10.34
        dim num2 as SByte=128
        Console.WriteLine("Num1: {0}",num1)
        Console.WriteLine("Num2: {0}",num2)
    End Sub
End Module


Unhandled Exception:
System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.


The above program will generate an exception, here we tried to initialize variable num2 with 128, which will create an overflow exception because we can store a value between -128 to 127 in a Signed Byte variable.

Question 3:

Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
        dim num1 as Double=-10.34
        dim num2 as SByte=128
        Console.WriteLine("Num1: {0}",num1)
        Console.WriteLine("Num2: {0}",num2)
    End Sub
End Module


Unhandled Exception:
System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.


The above program will generate an exception, here we tried to initialize variable num2 with 128, which will create an overflow exception because we can store values between -128 to 127 in a Signed Byte variable.

Question 4:

Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Size of Double: {0}",len(Double))
        Console.WriteLine("Size of Single: {0}",len(Single))
    End Sub
End Module


main.vb (4,59) : error VBNC99999: <no message written yet>

/home/cg/root/62a5b665d3a94/main.vb (5,59) : error VBNC99999: <no message written yet>

There were 2 errors and 0 warnings.


The above program will generate syntax errors because we cannot get the size of the datatype using the len() method.

Question 5:

Module VBModule
    Sub Main()
        dim num1 as Single = 10.23
        dim num2 as Double = 10.45
        dim num3 as UShort =  25
        dim res as Double =  0.0
        res = (len(num1) * len(num2))/len(num3)
        Console.WriteLine("Result: {0}",res)
    End Sub
End Module


Result: 16


In the above program, we created 3 variables. Then we used the len() function to get the length of the variables.

Now we evaluate the expression:

res = (len(num1) * len(num2))/len(num3)
res  = (4 * 8)/2
res = 32/2
res = 16


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