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VB.Net program to override the Message property of DivideByZeroException class
By Nidhi Last Updated : November 15, 2024
Overriding the Message property of DivideByZeroException class in VB.Net
Here, we will create our own exception class by inheriting the DivideByZeroException class and override the Message property.
Program/Source Code:
The source code to override the Message property of DivideByZeroException class is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully.
VB.Net code to override the Message property of DivideByZeroException class
'Vb.Net program to override the Message property of
'DivideByZeroException class.
Imports System.Threading
Module Module1
Class MyException
Inherits DivideByZeroException
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Message As String
Return MyBase.Message
End Get
End Property
End Class
Sub Main()
Dim num1 As Integer = 15
Dim num2 As Integer = 0
Dim num3 As Integer = 0
If num2 = 0 Then
Throw New MyException()
num3 = num1 \ num2
Console.WriteLine("Result : {0}", num3)
End If
Catch e As MyException
End Try
End Sub
End Module
Attempted to divide by zero.
Press any key to continue . . .
In the above program, here we created a module Module1. In Module1 we created the class MyException, here we inherit the Exception class and override the Message property in the MyException class.
The Main() is the entry point for the program, here we created three variable num1, num2, and num3 that are initialized with 10,0,0. Here, we checked the value of num2 if it is 0 then thrown the object of MyException class, which is caught in the catch block, and print the appropriate message on the console screen.
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