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Scala String hashCode() Method
By IncludeHelp Last updated : October 22, 2024
Description and Usage
The hashCode() method on strings is used to return the hash code for the given string in Scala.
The method is a parameter-less method i.e. it does not accept any parameter.
Return Value
It returns an integer which is the hash code for the given string in Scala.
Example 1
object myObject {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val string1 = "scala"
val hash = string1.hashCode()
println("The hash code for the string is " + hash)
The hash code for the string is 109250886
Example 2
object HashCodeExample {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val str1 = "Hello, Scala!"
val str2 = "Hello, World!"
val str3 = "Hello, Scala!"
// Compute hash codes
val hash1 = str1.hashCode()
val hash2 = str2.hashCode()
val hash3 = str3.hashCode()
// Print hash codes
println(s"Hash code of '$str1' is: $hash1")
println(s"Hash code of '$str2' is: $hash2")
println(s"Hash code of '$str3' is: $hash3")
// Checking equality of hash codes
println(s"Does str1 have the same hash code as str3? ${hash1 == hash3}")
Hash code of 'Hello, Scala!' is: 1763087995
Hash code of 'Hello, World!' is: 1794106052
Hash code of 'Hello, Scala!' is: 1763087995
Does str1 have the same hash code as str3? true