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Ruby until loop with examples
By IncludeHelp Last updated : November 16, 2024
Ruby Until Loop
The until loop is one of the great features of Ruby which makes it different from other programming languages. The support of until loop specifies how much user-friendly language Ruby is?
The until loop is just the opposite of while loop if we justify it in terms of functionality. while loop is executed as long as the Boolean condition stands to be false but in case of until loop, it executes as long as the Boolean condition does not come out to be true. It is the example of the entry-control loop where the specified condition is checked prior to the execution of the loop's body.
The until loop is implemented with the help of the following syntax:
until conditional [do]
# code to be executed
Example 1: Print a Message 10 Times Using until Loop
Ruby program to print a message 10 times using until loop
num = 0
# Using an until loop to repeat the message
until num == 10
puts "Hello there! Message from Includehelp.com! Happy learning!"
num += 1 # Increment the counter
Hello there! Message from Includehelp.com! Happy learning!
Hello there! Message from Includehelp.com! Happy learning!
Hello there! Message from Includehelp.com! Happy learning!
Hello there! Message from Includehelp.com! Happy learning!
Hello there! Message from Includehelp.com! Happy learning!
Hello there! Message from Includehelp.com! Happy learning!
Hello there! Message from Includehelp.com! Happy learning!
Hello there! Message from Includehelp.com! Happy learning!
Hello there! Message from Includehelp.com! Happy learning!
Hello there! Message from Includehelp.com! Happy learning!
Example 2: Sum of All Digits of a Given Number Using until Loop
Ruby program to find the sum of all
digits of a given number using until loop
puts "Enter the number:"
num = gets.chomp.to_i
temp = num
sum = 0
# Implementation of until loop
until num == 0
rem = num % 10 # Extract the last digit
num = num / 10 # Remove the last digit
sum += rem # Add the digit to the sum
puts "The sum of the digits in #{temp} is #{sum}."
Enter the number
The sum of 456672 is 30
Example 3: Count of Even and Odd Digits Using until Loop
Ruby program to find the count of even
and odd digits in the given number
using until loop
puts "Enter the number:"
num = gets.chomp.to_i
temp = num
even_count = 0
odd_count = 0
# Implementation of until loop
until num == 0
rem = num % 10 # Extract the last digit
num = num / 10 # Remove the last digit
if rem % 2 == 0
puts "#{rem} is even"
even_count += 1 # Increment even count
puts "#{rem} is odd"
odd_count += 1 # Increment odd count
puts "Number of even digits: #{even_count}"
puts "Number of odd digits: #{odd_count}"
Enter the number
2 is even
3 is odd
5 is odd
6 is even
9 is odd
8 is even
7 is odd
Number of even numbers are 3
Number of odd numbers are 4