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Ruby assoc() function
By IncludeHelp Last updated : December 01, 2024
assoc() function in Ruby
We have studied functions to process single dimensional array so far but if we talk about assoc() function, it does not work for single dimensional arrays. assoc() function only works on Array of Arrays or you can say that it works on multidimensional arrays. The purpose of the assoc() function is to check the first element of each array. It processes array by checking the first element of the array with the specified index element, if the element is found then the whole array is returned otherwise the function returns nil or vacant.
Now, let us understand the implementation of assoc() function with the help of examples broadly,
Example 1
Ruby program to demonstrate implementation of assoc() function
# Initializing multiple arrays of elements
Arr1 = ["Fruits", "banana", "apple", "orange", "kiwi", "apricot", "Pineapple"]
Arr2 = ["Languages", "C#", "Java", "Ruby", "Python", "C++","C"]
Arr3 = ["Colors", "Red", "Brown", "Green", "Pink", "Yellow", "Teal"]
Arr4 = ["Vegetables", "Brinjal", "Tomato", "Potato", "Reddish"]
# Creating a final array of above arrays
FinalArray = [Arr1, Arr2, Arr3, Arr4]
# Invoking assoc() function
A1 = FinalArray.assoc("Fruits")
A2 = FinalArray.assoc("Languages")
A3 = FinalArray.assoc("Colors")
A4 = FinalArray.assoc("Vegetables")
# Printing the matched contained array
puts "#{A1}"
puts "#{A2}"
puts "#{A3}"
puts "#{A4}"
["Fruits", "banana", "apple", "orange", "kiwi", "apricot", "Pineapple"]
["Languages", "C#", "Java", "Ruby", "Python", "C++", "C"]
["Colors", "Red", "Brown", "Green", "Pink", "Yellow", "Teal"]
["Vegetables", "Brinjal", "Tomato", "Potato", "Reddish"]
In the above example, we have initialized four arrays along with their categories as the first element of the array. Finalarray is storing these arrays as its elements. When the assoc() function is invoked with the element as an index, then the element is compared with the first element of each array. Arrays A1, A2, A3, and A4 are storing the contained array.
Example 2
Ruby program to demonstrate implementation of assoc() function
# Initializing multiple arrays of elements
Arr1 = ["Fruits", "banana", "apple", "orange", "kiwi", "apricot","Pineapple"]
Arr2 = ["Languages", "C#", "Java", "Ruby", "Python","C++","C"]
Arr3 = ["Colors", "Red", "Brown", "Green", "Pink","Yellow","Teal"]
Arr4 = ["Vegetables", "Brinjal", "Tomato", "Potato", "Raddish"]
# Creating a final array of above arrays
FinalArray = [Arr1, Arr2, Arr3, Arr4]
# Taking input from user.
puts "Enter the catagory:-"
cat = gets.chomp
arr = FinalArray.assoc(cat)
if (arr==nil)
puts "category not available"
puts "The available elements under the category is:-"
puts "#{arr}"
Run 1:-
Enter the category:-
The available elements under the category is:-
["Colors", "Red", "Brown", "Green", "Pink", "Yellow", "Teal"]
Run 2:-
Enter the category:-
category not available
Run 3:-
Enter the category:-
The available elements under the category is:-
["Fruits", "banana", "apple", "orange", "kiwi", "apricot", "Pineapple"]
In this example, we have declared four arrays and then the final array. We are taking category as input from the user. We are passing that category to the assoc() function. If the category matches, the array is stored in the contained array otherwise assoc() is returning nil.