
Ruby Hashes Programs

In Ruby programming language, a Hash is a dictionary-like collection of unique keys and their values. Also called associative arrays, they are similar to Arrays, but where an Array uses integers as its index, a Hash allows you to use any object type.

This section contains Ruby hashes programs, practice these Ruby programs to learn the concept of Ruby hashes, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the Ruby hashes programs.

List of Ruby Hashes Programs

  1. Ruby program to create a hash collection
  2. Ruby program to get keys from a hash collection
  3. Ruby program to compare two hash collections using '==' operator
  4. Ruby program to get value from the hash collection based on specified key
  5. Ruby program to add items into the hash collection
  6. How to check if a hash key exists in Ruby?
  7. How to add elements to a Hash in Ruby?
  8. Ruby program to remove all items from the hash collection
  9. Ruby program to delete the item from the hash collection based on a specific key
  10. Ruby program to check a hash collection is empty or not
  11. Ruby program to check a value is exist in the hash collection or not
  12. Ruby program to get key based on value from the hash collection
  13. Ruby program to print the inverted hash collection
  14. Ruby program to print the length of the hash collection
  15. Ruby program to merge two hash collections
  16. Ruby program to get the size of the hash collection
  17. Ruby program to check a given key is exist in the hash collection or not
  18. Ruby program to replace the items of hash collection from another hash collection
  19. Ruby program to get the hash elements as a sorted array from the hash collection
  20. Ruby program to store items into the hash collection
  21. Ruby program to convert the hash collection into the array
  22. Ruby program to convert the hash collection into the string
  23. Ruby program to search an item in the hash collection
  24. Ruby program to get hash collection values as an array
  25. Ruby program to demonstrate the delete_if() method
  26. Ruby program to iterate elements of a hash collection using each() method
  27. Ruby program to iterate hash collection and print only values
  28. Ruby program to demonstrate the Hash.inspect() function


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