
Ruby Arrays Programs

In Ruby, arrays are ordered, integer-indexed collections of any object. The indexing of an array starts at 0. A new array can be created by using the literal constructor []. Arrays can contain different types of objects. For example, the array below contains an Integer, a String and a Float.

This section contains Ruby arrays programs, practice these Ruby programs to learn the concept of Ruby arrays, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the Ruby arrays programs.

List of Ruby Arrays Programs

  1. Ruby program to create an array using literal constructor '[]'
  2. Ruby program to create an array using Array class
  3. Ruby program to create an array using the new() class method
  4. Ruby program to get the length of an array using the length() method
  5. Ruby program to get the size of an array using the size() method
  6. Ruby program to append an element into an array
  7. Ruby program to convert an array into a string and join elements with a specified character
  8. Ruby program to add multiple elements to the end of the array using push() method
  9. Ruby program to push an array into another array
  10. Ruby program to access array elements using at() method
  11. Ruby program to get the subarray from an array using a specified range of indices
  12. Ruby program to remove the last item from the array
  13. Ruby program to remove the last given number of items from the array
  14. Ruby program to remove the first item from the array
  15. Ruby program to remove the first given number of items from the array
  16. Ruby program to get the first item from the array
  17. Ruby program to get the last item from the array
  18. Ruby program to get the first given number of items from the array
  19. Ruby program to get the last given number of items from the array
  20. Ruby program to get the first N items from the array using the take() method
  21. Ruby program to demonstrate the assoc() method
  22. Ruby program to concatenate two arrays
  23. Ruby program to find the uncommon elements from two arrays
  24. Ruby program to find the common elements from two arrays
  25. Ruby program to find the distinct elements from two arrays
  26. Ruby program to get the flattened 1D array
  27. Ruby program to insert an element into the array at the specified index
  28. Ruby program to insert multiple elements into the array from the specified index
  29. Ruby program to find the index of the first occurrence of the specified item in the array
  30. Ruby program to reverse the elements of the array using inbuilt function
  31. Ruby program to sort the elements of the array in ascending order using the inbuilt function
  32. Ruby program to sort the elements of the array in descending order using inbuilt functions
  33. Ruby program to compare two arrays using the eql?() method
  34. Ruby program to get array elements after N elements
  35. Ruby program to add an element in the array at the beginning
  36. Ruby program to remove given element from the array
  37. Ruby program to filter array elements using the select() method
  38. Ruby program to check given item is included in the array or not
  39. Ruby program to iterate over each element from the array
  40. Ruby program to demonstrate the method
  41. Ruby program to demonstrate the Array.collect() method
  42. Ruby program to remove duplicate elements from the array
  43. Ruby program to demonstrate the Array.concat() method
  44. Ruby program to remove elements from the array using delete_if() method
  45. Ruby program to demonstrate the Array.dig() method
  46. Ruby program to remove all elements from the array
  47. Ruby program to remove all 'nil' elements from the array
  48. Ruby program to check an array is empty or not
  49. Ruby program to fetch elements from an array based on an index
  50. Ruby program to fill an array with a specific element
  51. Ruby program to find the largest element from the array
  52. Ruby program to find the second largest element from the array
  53. Ruby program to find the EVEN numbers from the array
  54. Ruby program to calculate the sum of array elements
  55. Ruby program to reverse an array without using library function
  56. Ruby program to find the prime numbers from the array
  57. Ruby program to search an item into the array using linear search
  58. Ruby program to search an item into the array using binary search
  59. Ruby program to search an item into the array using interpolation search
  60. Ruby program to sort an array in ascending order using selection sort
  61. Ruby program to sort an array in descending order using selection sort
  62. Ruby program to sort an array in ascending order using quick sort
  63. Ruby program to sort an array in ascending order using bubble sort
  64. Ruby program to sort an array in descending order using bubble sort
  65. Ruby program to sort an array in ascending order using insertion sort
  66. Ruby program to sort an array in descending order using insertion sort
  67. Ruby program to cyclically permutes the elements of the array
  68. Ruby program to delete an item from the array without using the library function
  69. Ruby program to insert an item into the array without using library function
  70. Ruby program to merge two integer arrays without using library function
  71. Ruby program to read and print two-dimensional array
  72. Ruby program to calculate the sum of matrix elements
  73. Ruby program to add two matrices
  74. Ruby program to calculate the sum of rows of matrix elements
  75. Ruby program to calculate the sum of columns of matrix elements
  76. Ruby program to print the transpose matrix
  77. Ruby program to print the left diagonal matrix
  78. Ruby program to print the right diagonal matrix
  79. Ruby program to calculate the sum of left diagonal the matrix
  80. Ruby program to calculate the sum of right diagonal the matrix


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