Ruby Blocks Programs

In the Ruby programming language, the blocks are anonymous functions that can be passed into methods. Blocks are enclosed in a do-end statement or curly braces {}.

This section contains Ruby blocks programs, practice these Ruby programs to learn the concept of Ruby blocks, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the Ruby blocks programs.

List of Ruby Blocks Programs

  1. Ruby program to create block using 'do...end' statement
  2. Ruby program to create a block using curly braces {}
  3. Ruby program to demonstrate the argument passing to block
  4. Ruby program to return the values from the block
  5. Ruby program to demonstrate the yield statement
  6. Ruby program to demonstrate the yield statement with argument
  7. Ruby program to demonstrate the BEGIN and END blocks
  8. Ruby program to create multiple BEGIN and END blocks


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