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Encapsulation in Ruby

By IncludeHelp Last updated : November 16, 2024

In this article, we will study about Encapsulation. We know that Ruby is a pure object-oriented language and in every object-oriented language, encapsulation is considered as one of the important properties. So, let us understand encapsulation with the help of program codes and syntaxes.


Wrapping up the data into a single unit is known as Encapsulation. It can also be called as the procedure to bind code and the data which is affected by the code together. By applying encapsulation you can protect your data from being manipulated by another source. In simpler words, it can be considered as the mechanism which allows data only to be manipulated by the member functions of the class in which they are declared.

How to Achieve Encapsulation?

You can achieve encapsulation by declaring all the variables of class as private( they are by default private) and all the member functions as public(they are by default public). Now, these variables will only be accessed by these public methods of the class.

Advantages of Encapsulation

  • Easy to test code: Unit testing is the testing that is known to every programmer. After achieving encapsulation, unit testing becomes easy to be done.
  • Decreases Redundancy: Encapsulation helps with making the code reusable. You can update the code as per the requirement of time.
  • Data Hiding: Encapsulation facilitates data hiding which means that user will not be able to get an idea about the internal implementation of the class. The user will be unaware of where the data is being stored in the class.

Example of Ruby Encapsulation

Let us understand encapsulation with the help of an example:

  Ruby program to demonstrate encapsulation

class Bank
  def initialize(id, name, account_no, type)
    @cust_id = id
    @cust_name = name
    @ac_no = account_no
    @cust_type = type

  def display_details
    puts "Customer ID   : #{@cust_id}"
    puts "Customer Name : #{@cust_name}"
    puts "Account No    : #{@ac_no}"
    puts "Account Type  : #{@cust_type}"
    puts "-" * 30

# Create customer instances
customer1 = Bank.new("Cust101", "Rashmeet", "AC789", "Savings")
customer2 = Bank.new("Cust102", "Parmeet", "AC1789", "Savings")
customer3 = Bank.new("Cust103", "Jagmeet", "AC2789", "Savings")

# Display customer details


Customer ID   : Cust101
Customer Name : Rashmeet
Account No    : AC789
Account Type  : Savings
Customer ID   : Cust102
Customer Name : Parmeet
Account No    : AC1789
Account Type  : Savings
Customer ID   : Cust103
Customer Name : Jagmeet
Account No    : AC2789
Account Type  : Savings


In the above code you can observe that the member functions and data are only accessible through the object or instance of the class. Here the instances of class "Bank" are customer1, customer2 and customer3.

Another Example of Ruby Encapsulation

Here’s another example of encapsulation in Ruby, where private attributes are accessed and modified through getter and setter methods:

  Ruby program to demonstrate encapsulation 
  with getter and setter methods

class Employee
  # Constructor to initialize employee details
  def initialize(id, name, salary)
    @emp_id = id
    @emp_name = name
    @emp_salary = salary

  # Getter for employee ID
  def emp_id

  # Getter for employee name
  def emp_name

  # Getter for employee salary
  def emp_salary

  # Setter for employee salary
  def emp_salary=(new_salary)
    if new_salary > 0
      @emp_salary = new_salary
      puts "Invalid salary amount!"

  # Display employee details
  def display_details
    puts "Employee ID    : #{@emp_id}"
    puts "Employee Name  : #{@emp_name}"
    puts "Employee Salary: #{@emp_salary}"
    puts "-" * 30

# Create an employee instance
employee = Employee.new("E001", "Alice", 5000)

# Display initial details

# Update salary using the setter method
employee.emp_salary = 6000

# Try setting an invalid salary
employee.emp_salary = -2000

# Display updated details


Employee ID    : E001
Employee Name  : Alice
Employee Salary: 5000
Invalid salary amount!
Employee ID    : E001
Employee Name  : Alice
Employee Salary: 6000

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