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Ruby clear() function
By IncludeHelp Last updated : December 01, 2024
Sometimes, a situation may occur when you have to remove all the elements of an array. Removing elements of an array can be carried out by facilitating pop() function but that will be quite a lengthy process because first, you have to calculate the length of the array and then proceed with invoking pop() function one by one.
clear() function in Ruby
To make the task simpler and less time consuming, Ruby provides you a predefined function in Ruby's library known as a clear() function. the clear() function is used to remove all the elements of the array and it returns the empty array. It does not accept any parameter clear() function works on the single dimensional array as well as on multidimensional arrays. In case of multidimensional arrays, it will only remove arrays as element from the 2D array, it will not remove the content of arrays as elements.
Now, let us understand the implementation of clear() function in a broader way with the help of examples.
Example 1
Ruby program to demonstrate implementation of clear() function
# Initializing some arrays of elements
Arr1 = ["apple", "mango", "banana", "apricot", "plum", "cherry"]
Arr2 = ["one","two", "three", "four", "five"]
Arr3 = [10,20]
Arr4 = [110, 210, 310, 410, 510]
Arr5 = ["C++", "Java", "C#", "Visual Basic", "Perl", "Python"]
Arr6 = ["Hrithik", "Satyam", "Amisha", "Kajal", "Wamp"]
# Invoking clear function
NewArr1 = Arr1.clear
NewArr2 = Arr2.clear
NewArr3 = Arr3.clear
NewArr4 = Arr4.clear
NewArr5 = Arr5.clear
NewArr6 = Arr6.clear
# Printing the the corresponding arrays
puts "#{NewArr1}"
puts "#{NewArr2}"
puts "#{NewArr3}"
puts "#{NewArr4}"
puts "#{NewArr5}"
puts "#{NewArr6}"
You can observe in the above code that when we are invoking the clear() function with the array. The function is returning an array with no elements or it can be termed as an empty array. We are storing that empty array in the corresponding array and printing the arrays with the help of puts function. We are only getting square brackets as the output.
Example 2
Ruby program to demonstrate implementation of clear() function
# Initializing some arrays of elements
Arr1 = ["apple", "mango", "banana", "apricot", "plum", "cherry"]
Arr2 = ["one","two", "three", "four", "five"]
Arr3 = [10,20]
Arr4 = [110, 210, 310, 410, 510]
Arr5 = ["C++", "Java", "C#", "Visual Basic", "Perl", "Python"]
Arr6 = ["Hrithik", "Satyam", "Amisha", "Kajal", "Wamp"]
Arr7 = [Arr1, Arr2, Arr3, Arr4, Arr5, Arr6]
# Invoking clear function
NewArr1 = Arr7.clear
# Printing the corresponding arrays
puts "#{NewArr1}"
In the above code, we have tried to prove that clear() function also works on multidimensional arrays. We have created a multidimensional array termed as Arr7. We are then proceeding by applying the clear() function on it. clear() function is returning an empty array. It is only removing arrays as elements of the 2D array. It is not affecting the content of Arrays acting as elements.