PHP Classes & Objects Programs

This section contains the PHP solved programs on object-oriented programming approaches such as class & objects, constructor & destructors, various inheritances, interfaces, abstract classes, constants, define, etc. Practice these programs to learn the concept of object-oriented programming approaches in PHP. Each program contains the solved code, output, and explanation.

List of PHP Classes & Objects Programs

  1. PHP program to create an object of a class and access the class attributes
  2. PHP program to create multiple objects of a class and access attributes of the class
  3. PHP program to define methods within the class
  4. PHP program to initialize data members without using the constructor
  5. PHP program to print the size of the empty class
  6. PHP program to create a class with setter and getter functions
  7. PHP program to create a class to add two distances
  8. PHP program to create a class to subtract mpageTU distance from another distance
  9. PHP program to create a class to add two times
  10. PHP program to convert seconds into hours, minutes, and seconds
  11. PHP program to convert hours, minutes, and seconds into several seconds
  12. PHP program to implement a cascaded function call
  13. PHP program to create a constant using define() function
  14. PHP program to create a case in-sensitive constant using define() function
  15. PHP program to check a constant is defined or not
  16. PHP program to print the line number using __LINE__ magic constant
  17. PHP program to print the full path of the current program file
  18. PHP program to print the function name using magic constant __FUNCTION__
  19. PHP program to print the class name using magic constant __CLASS__
  20. PHP program to print the method name with the associated class name using magic constant __METHOD__
  21. PHP program to demonstrate the use of printf() function
  22. PHP program to demonstrate the use of the local and global variables
  23. PHP program to demonstrate the default or no-argument constructor
  24. PHP program to implement the default or no-argument constructor using __construct()
  25. PHP program to demonstrate the parameterized constructor
  26. PHP program to implement the parameterized constructor using __construct()
  27. PHP program to demonstrate the use of destructor
  28. PHP program to demonstrate the call by value parameter passing
  29. PHP program to demonstrate the call by reference parameter passing
  30. PHP program to demonstrate the use of default arguments
  31. PHP program to demonstrate the use of variable arguments
  32. PHP program to demonstrate the single inheritance
  33. PHP program to call a base class constructor from the derived class
  34. PHP program to call base class destructor from the derived class
  35. PHP program to demonstrate the multi-level inheritance
  36. PHP program to demonstrate the hierarchical or tree inheritance
  37. PHP program to demonstrate the example of a simple interface
  38. PHP program to implement an interface into multiple classes
  39. PHP program to implement multiple interfaces in the same class
  40. PHP program to implement multiple-inheritance using the interface
  41. PHP program to demonstrate the inheritance of interfaces
  42. PHP program to demonstrate the example of the simple abstract class
  43. PHP program to inherit an abstract class into multiple non-abstract classes
  44. PHP program to inherit an abstract class and an interface in a non-abstract class
  45. PHP program to demonstrate the inheritance of abstract classes
  46. PHP program to demonstrate the method overriding
  47. PHP program to demonstrate the final keyword
  48. PHP program to demonstrate the method overloading based on the number of arguments
  49. PHP programs to pass an object of class as an argument
  50. PHP programs to demonstrate the function returning object

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