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PHP Exception Handling Programs
In any programming language, the exceptions are used to change the regular flow of a program if a specified error occurs. During the program execution, if any error occurs due to any reason program gets crashed, to avoid this issue – we use exception handling, it handles the execution flow of the program and sends the control to a specified catch block.
This section contains the PHP solved program on exception handling, practice these programs to learn the concept of handling exceptions in a PHP code. Each program has solved code, output, and explanation.
List of PHP Exception Handling Programs
- PHP program to demonstrate the Divide By Zero Exception using exception handling
- PHP program to demonstrate the Array index out of bound exception using exception handling
- PHP program to demonstrate the NULL reference exception using exception handling
- PHP program to create a user-defined exception class
- PHP program to create DivideByZeroException class
- PHP program to demonstrate the finally block in exception handling
- PHP program to demonstrate the use of multiple catch blocks