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PHP program to inherit an abstract class and an interface in a non-abstract class
Here, we are going to learn how to inherit an abstract class and an interface in a non-abstract class in PHP?
Submitted by Nidhi, on November 21, 2020 [Last updated : March 13, 2023]
Inheriting an Abstract Class and An Interface in a Non-Abstract Class
Here, we will create an abstract class and an interface then we inherited them into a non-abstract class.
The source code to inherit an abstract class and an interface in a non-abstract class is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully on Microsoft Visual Studio.
//PHP program to inherit an abstract class
//and an interface in a non-abstract class.
abstract class Abs
public abstract function fun1();
interface Inf
public function fun2();
class Sample extends Abs implements Inf
public function fun1()
printf("fun1() called<br>");
public function fun2()
printf("fun2() called<br>");
$obj = new Sample();
fun1() called
fun2() called
In the above program, we created an abstract class Abs and an interface Inf and then we inherited the abstract class and interface into a non-abstract class Sample, and defined the functions.
At last, we created three objects $obj of Sample class and called functions that will print the appropriate message on the webpage.
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