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A simple MVC PHP CodeIgniter Example
In this article, we are going to create a simple example based on PHP CodeIgniter MVC based example.
Submitted by Jyoti Singh, on January 27, 2018
In our last article, we have learnt about PHP CodeIgniter. Now,in this article, we will create a simple view page using html and will open that view by using a controller. So, let’s start.
1. Create a view page
First, we will create a view page which will be shown to the user. To do this open your CodeIgniter folder (placed in wamp/xampp folder) → open applications, here you will see multiple folders, but as we have to create a view we will open views folder.
In this folder, make a file named "Mypage.php" save this file and write the following code in it.
2. Create a controller file
Now,we will create a controller file to open our view page.
For this, create a file named "MyController.php" in controller folder. Write this code to the file.
Note: Your class name and file name must be same.
Controller makes your work easy in CodeIgniter. Here, line 2 is a CodeIgniter syntax line you don’t need to know about this for now just copy it from CodeIgniter by default controller named Welcome.php. Line 4 represents your class named "MyController" which extends CI_Controller to access the methods defined in CI_Controller class. Line 7 has a function named index() whenever a request will come to this function, it will load a view page named "MyPage".
3. Run the File
To run the file type this URL in your browser: "http://localhost/democodeigniter/index.php/Mycontroller/" or "http://localhost/democodeigniter/index.php/Mycontroller/index"
You should see something like this:
Yeah! You just made your first page in CodeIgniter.