PHP Basic Programs

PHP Basic Programs: This section contains the solved basic programs in PHP with explanation, output.

List of PHP Basic Programs

  1. PHP Code to print text using print command
  2. PHP Code to print text using echo command
  3. PHP program to create a function to find the addition of two integer numbers
  4. PHP Code to print current date in various formats
  5. PHP Code to print current time in various formats
  6. PHP code to assign and print the current date time in variables
  7. PHP code to get total number of days in a month
  8. How to make text bold in PHP?
  9. How to break a foreach loop in PHP?
  10. PHP code to get time difference
  11. PHP code to get number of days between two dates
  12. PHP program to check whether given number is palindrome or not.
  13. Check Even and ODD in PHP.
  14. Find factorial of a number in PHP.
  15. Calculate difference between dates in PHP
  16. PHP code to make a dynamic countdown timer
  17. PHP code to create tables dynamically from user input
  18. PHP code to reverse an integer number
  19. PHP program to find integer division using intdiv() function
  20. PHP program to handle modulo by zero exception
  21. PHP program to generate a random integer between the ranges
  22. PHP program to print the table of a given number using recursion
  23. PHP program to calculate the factorial of a given number using recursion
  24. PHP program to calculate the power of a given number using recursion
  25. PHP program to calculate factors of a given number
  26. PHP - echo if two conditions are true
  27. PHP - echo if either condition is true
  28. PHP minor project for Student Result Management System

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