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PHP Superglobal - $GLOBALS (With Examples)
By Kongnyu Carine, Shahnail Khan Last updated : December 14, 2023
PHP $GLOBALS is the only superglobal that does not begin with an underscore (_). It is an array that stores all the global scope variables.
$GLOBALS is a PHP superglobal variable that provides access to all global variables in a script. These global variables include those declared outside functions or classes, making them accessible from anywhere within the script.
$GLOBALS is used to access all global variables (variables from global scope) i.e. the variable that can be accessed from any scope in a PHP script.
Syntax of PHP $GLOBALS
Here's the syntax for using the $GLOBALS superglobal in PHP:
$variableName = "some value"; // Declare a global variable
function myFunction()
// Access the global variable using $GLOBALS
echo $GLOBALS["variableName"];
// Call the function to see the output
Examples of PHP $GLOBALS
We will see how to access a variable defined globally with the $GLOBALS superglobal?
Example 1
Accessing a Global Variable
//global variable
$name = "my name is sam";
function sayName()
echo $GLOBALS["name"];
//calling the function
my name is sam
By defining the $name variable it automatically is stored in the superglobal variable $GLOBALS array. This explains why we can access it in the sayName() function without defining it in the function.
Example 2
PHP code to find sum of two numbers by accessing global variables using $GLOBALS
//global variables
$num1 = 36;
$num2 = 24;
//function to access global variables
function add2Numbers()
$GLOBALS["sum"] = $GLOBALS["num1"] + $GLOBALS["num2"];
//calling function
//printing sum using global variable
echo $sum;
In the code above, num1 and num2 are global variables so we are accessing them using $GLOBALS, and sum is a variable present within $GLOBALS, thus, it is accessible from outside the function also.
Example 3
Using $GLOBALS Within a Function
// Global variable
$outsideVar = "I am outside the function.";
// Function definition
function displayOutsideVar()
echo $GLOBALS["outsideVar"];
// Calling function
I am outside the function.
Here, there's a variable $outsideVar declared outside a function. Inside a function, $GLOBALS['outsideVar'] is used to access and display its value.
Example 4
Modifying a Global Variable Within a Function
// Global variable
$counter = 0;
// Function
function incrementCounter()
// Calling function
// Printing global variable after
// modifying through function
echo $counter;
In this example, a counter variable is declared globally. Inside a function, $GLOBALS['counter'] is used to increment its value.
Example 5
Dynamic Variable Naming
// Global variable
$dynamicVarName = "myDynamicVar";
// Dynamic variable naming
$$dynamicVarName = "I am dynamically accessed!";
// Printing
echo $GLOBALS["myDynamicVar"];
I am dynamically accessed!
In this code, we have a dynamic variable name stored in another variable, like $dynamicVarName. By using double dollar signs $$, we can create a variable with the dynamic name and assign a value to it.
These examples show us how $GLOBALS helps in accessing and manipulating global variables, making it easier to work with data across different parts of your PHP script.