PHP Regular Expressions Programs

A regular expression is the set of characters that is used to form a search pattern, it can be a single character, multiple characters, or a more complicated pattern. PHP provides a set of library functions to work with the searches using regular expressions.

This section contains the PHP solved programs on regular expressions, practice these programs to learn the concept of pattern searching using regular expressions. Each program has the solved code, output, and explanation.

List of PHP Regular Expressions Programs

  1. PHP program to check a substring exists within the given string using a regular expression pattern
  2. PHP program to check a case insensitive substring exists within the given string using regular expression pattern
  3. PHP program to demonstrate the regular expression to count the occurrence of given substring
  4. PHP program to demonstrate the regular expression to replace the substring within the string
  5. PHP program to demonstrate the quantifiers in pattern to search a string using a regular expression

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