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PHP code to get total number of days in a month
Here is the PHP code to get total number of days in a month.
Method get_days_in_month() returns total number of days according to given month and year.
Source Code and Output to get total number of days in a month
$curmnth = date('m');
$curyear = date('Y');
function get_days_in_month($month, $year)
if ($month == "02")
if ($year % 4 == 0) return 29;
else return 28;
else if ($month == "01" || $month == "03" || $month == "05" || $month == "07" || $month == "08" || $month == "10" || $month == "12") return 31;
else return 30;
$totDays = get_days_in_month($curmnth, $curyear);
printf("Total no of days in a current month : " . $totDays);
print "</br>";
Total no of days in a current month: 30
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