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VB.Net program to read data from a text file
By Nidhi Last Updated : November 16, 2024
Reading data from a text file in VB.Net
Here, we will read data from a text file using ReadAllText() method of the File class. If the specified file does not exist in the system then a FileNotFoundException gets generated.
Program/Source Code:
The source code to read data from a text file is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully.
VB.Net code to read data from a text file
'VB.Net program to read data from a text file.
Imports System.IO
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim str As String = Nothing
str = File.ReadAllText("sample.txt")
Console.WriteLine("Content of file: {0}", str)
Catch ex As FileNotFoundException
Console.WriteLine("File does not exist")
End Try
End Sub
End Module
Content of file: Hello, how are you.
Press any key to continue . . .
In the above program, we created a module Module1 that contains the Main() function. The Main() function is the entry point for the program. And, we created a local variable str of string type. After that read data from the "sample.txt" text file and print data on the console screen. If a specified file does not exist in the computer system then a file not found exception gets generated and prints an appropriate message on the console screen.
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