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SortedMap foreach() Method in Scala

By IncludeHelp Last updated : November 14, 2024

Map is a collection that stores its elements as key-value pairs, like a dictionary. SortedMap is a special type of map in which elements are sorted in ascending order.

SortedMap find() Method

SortedMap foreach() method is used to perform a given operation defined in the function on each element of the sortedMap. The method takes each element, passes it through the function and returns the value in a sortedMap.




The method accepts a function as a parameter which is a processing function.

Return Type

It returns a sortedMap with resulting values after applying the function.

Example 1

We will print the square of each element of the sortedMap

import scala.collection.SortedMap

object MyObject {
    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
        val mySortedMap = SortedMap(1 -> "Delhi", 2 -> "Mumbai", 8 -> "Hyderabad", 11 -> "Indore")
        println("The Sorted Map is " + mySortedMap)

        // Define a square function
        def square(x: Int): Int = x * x

        // Using foreach to print the square of each key in the map
        mySortedMap.foreach { case (key, _) => println(square(key)) }


The Sorted Map is TreeMap(1 -> Delhi, 2 -> Mumbai, 8 -> Hyderabad, 11 -> Indore)

The foreach() method is generally used to print the elements of the sortedMap.

Example 2

Print all elements of the sortedMap

import scala.collection.SortedMap

object MyObject {
    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
        val mySortedMap = SortedMap(1 -> "Delhi", 2 -> "Mumbai", 8 -> "Hyderabad", 11 -> "Indore")
        println("The Sorted Map is " + mySortedMap)  
        println("Printing sorted map using foreach method")
        // Iterating and printing each element in the map
        mySortedMap.foreach { case (index, value) =>
            println(s"Index -> $index , Value -> $value")


The Sorted Map is TreeMap(1 -> Delhi, 2 -> Mumbai, 8 -> Hyderabad, 11 -> Indore)
Printing sorted map using foreach method
Index -> 1 , value -> Delhi
Index -> 2 , value -> Mumbai
Index -> 8 , value -> Hyderabad
Index -> 11 , value -> Indore

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