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PHP find output programs
PHP find output programs (Number Functions) | set 1
Find the output of PHP programs | Number Functions | Set 1: Enhance the knowledge of PHP String Functions concepts by solving and finding the output of some PHP programs.
Submitted by Nidhi, on January 24, 2021
Question 1:
$num1 = "123";
$num2 = 123;
if (is_int($num1) == true) echo "num1 is an integer number";
else echo "num1 is not an integer number";
echo '<br>';
if (is_int($num2) == true) echo "num2 is an integer number";
else echo "num2 is not an integer number";
num1 is not an integer number
num2 is an integer number
In the above program, we created two variables $num1 and $num2 initialized with "123" and 123 respectively. Here, we used the is_int() function, which is used to check the specified variable contains an integer number or not.
In the above program, $num1 is a string, while $num2 contains an integer number. Then firs if-else block will print "num1 is not an integer number". And the second if-else block will print "num2 is an integer number" on the web page.
Question 2:
$num = 12.24;
if (is_float($num) == true) echo "num is a float number";
else echo "num is not a float number";
echo '<br>';
if (is_double($num) == true) echo "num is a double number";
else echo "num is not a double number";
num is a float number
num is a double number
In the above program, we declared a variable $num initialized with 12.24. Here, we used two built-in functions is_float() and is_double(). is_double and is_float() have functionality. is_double() is the alias of is_float(). Then both functions will return true, and then it will print "num is a float number" and after the newline, "num is a double number" will be printed on the webpage.
Question 3:
$num1 = "12.24";
$num2 = "1224";
$num3 = "A123";
if (is_numeric($num1) == true) echo "num1 is numeric";
else echo "num1 is not numeric";
echo '<br>';
if (is_numeric($num2) == true) echo "num2 is numeric";
else echo "num2 is not numeric";
echo '<br>';
if (is_numeric($num3) == true) echo "num3 is numeric";
else echo "num3 is not numeric";
num1 is numeric
num2 is numeric
num3 is not numeric
In the above program, we created three variables $num1, $num2, and $num3 initialized with "12.24", "1224" and "A123" respectively. Here, we used the is_numeric() function, which is used to check the specified variable contains a numeric value or not.
In the above program, $num1 is a floating-point string, while $num2 contains an integer string, and $num3 contains an alphanumeric string. Then firs if-else block will print "num1 is numeric". And the second if-else block will print "num2 is numeric" and third if-else block will print "num3 is not numeric" on the web page.
Question 4:
$num1 = 12.24;
$num2 = (int)$num1;
$num3 = int($num1);
echo $num2 . '\n';
echo $num3 . '\n';
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function int()
in /home/main.php:5
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
thrown in /home/main.php on line 5
The above program will generate the compile-time error, int() is not a built-in function in PHP. While the below statement is used to typecast the number $num1 from floating-point number to integer number,
$num2 = (int)$num1;
Question 5:
$num1 = 12.24;
$num2 = (int)$num1;
$num3 = intval($num1);
echo $num2 . '\n';
echo $num3 . '\n';
In the above program, we created a variable $num1, which is initialized with 12.24. The below statement is used to typecast the number $num1 from floating-point number to integer number.
$num2 = (int)$num1;
After that, we used int_val(), which is used to return an integer value, and then we used '\n' instead of '<br>' tag for a new line.
So finally, "12\n12\n" will be printed on the webpage.
Question 6:
$num1 = "1234";
$num2 = intval($num1) + 6;
echo $num2;
The above program will print 1240 on the webpage because the intval() function returns the number corresponding to the specified numeric string.
$num2 = intval($num1)+6;
In the above statement intval($num1) returns integer number 1234 and then we added 6 to it, then 1240 assigned to $num2.
Then the final value of $num2 is 1240, will be printed on the webpage.
Question 7:
$num1 = "12.34";
$num2 = (integer)$num1 + 6;
echo $num2;
In the program, we created a variable $num1, which is initialized with a floating-point string.
$num2 = (integer)$num1+6;
In the above statement, we typecast $num1 into integer and added 6 to it, then 18 assigned to $num2.
Then the final value of $num2 is 18, will be printed on the webpage.