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PHP find output programs (Constructors and Destructors) | set 3
Find the output of PHP programs | Constructors & Destructors | Set 3: Enhance the knowledge of PHP Constructors & Destructors by solving and finding the output of some PHP programs.
Submitted by Nidhi, on January 28, 2021
Question 1:
class Sample
public $VAL;
public function Sample()
$this->VAL = 10;
public function __construct($A)
$this->VAL = $A;
public function print ()
print ("$this->VAL<br>");
$OB1 = new Sample();
$OB2 = new Sample(20);
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to
function Sample::__construct(), 0 passed in /home/
main.php on line 20 and exactly 1 expected in /home/main.php:10
Stack trace:
#0 /home/main.php(20): Sample->__construct()
#1 {main}
thrown in /home/main.php on line 10
The above program will generate syntax error because we created constructor using __construct() with an argument, but we created object $OB1 with no argument that's why it will generate a syntax error. Because If we defined more than one constructor in a class, but constructor defined using __construct() will always call, other constructors can be defined but cannot be called.
Question 2:
class Sample
public $VAL;
public function __construct($A)
$this->VAL = $A;
public function print ()
print ("$this->VAL<br>");
$OBJ_ARR = array(
new Sample(10) ,
new Sample(20) ,
new Sample(30)
In the above program, we created a class Sample that contains data member $VAL, and a constructor and a method print().
The constructor will initialize the data member and print() method will print the value of data member $VAL. Then we created an array of objects and initialized with different values and print them.
Question 3:
class Sample
public $VAL;
public function __construct($A)
$this->VAL = $A;
echo "Constructor called<br>";
public function __destruct()
echo "Destructor called<br>";
public function print ()
print ("$this->VAL<br>");
$OBJ_ARR = array(
new Sample(10) ,
new Sample(20) ,
new Sample(30)
Constructor called
Constructor called
Constructor called
Destructor called
Destructor called
Destructor called
In the above program, we created a class Sample that contains data member $VAL, constructor, destructor, and a method print().
The constructor will initialize the data member and print() method will print the value of data member $VAL, and destructor called when the scope of the object gets finished. Then we created an array of objects and initialized with different values and print them.
Question 4:
class Employee
public $ID;
public $NAME;
public $SALARY;
public function __construct($I, $N, $S)
$this->ID = $I;
$this->NAME = $N;
$this->SALARY = $S;
public function printEmpDetail()
printf("<BR>ID: %d, Name:%s, Salary:%s", $this->ID, $this->NAME, $this->SALARY);
$OBJ1 = new Employee(101, "ROHIT", 1000);
$OBJ2 = new Employee(102, "SHIKHAR", 800);
$OBJ3 = new Employee(103, "VIRAT", 1500);
ID: 101, Name:ROHIT, Salary:1000
ID: 102, Name:SHIKHAR, Salary:800
ID: 103, Name:VIRAT, Salary:1500
In the above program, we created a class Employee that contains data members $ID, $NAME, $SALARY, and we created constructor and printEmpDetail() function to print the employee details.
Then we created three objects with different values and print them using printEmpDetail() on the webpage.