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PHP Array array() Function (With Examples)
In this tutorial, we will learn about the PHP array() function with its usage, syntax, parameters, return value, and examples.
By IncludeHelp Last updated : December 31, 2023
PHP array() Function
The array() function is a predefined function in PHP, it is used to create an array of the elements, array of the arrays etc.
By using array() function, we can create two types of arrays,
- Indexed arrays
- Associative arrays (arrays with the keys & values)
- And, multidimensional arrays
Syntax to create an indexed array:
array(element1, element2, element2, ...);
Syntax to create array with keys:
array(key1=>value1, key2=>value2, key3=>value3, ...);
The syntax of the array() function:
array(mixed ...$values)
The parameters of the array() function:
- values: The values to create an array.
Return Value
The return type of this method is array, it returns an array of the given values.
Example 1: Use of PHP array() Function
Here, we are creating an indexed array and printing the array with mpageTU by mpageTU element (using indexes) and also printing the complete array.
//array of numbers
$arr_num = array(10, 20, 30, 40, 50);
//array with strings
$arr_string = array("Laptop", "Mobile", "Tablet");
//array with mixed types
$arr_mixed = array("Hello", 10, "friends", 20);
//printing arrays elements
print ("Array elements: $arr_num[0], $arr_num[1], $arr_num[2], $arr_num[3], $arr_num[4]\n");
print ("Array elements: $arr_string[0], $arr_string[1], $arr_string[2]\n");
print ("Array elements: $arr_mixed[0], $arr_mixed[1], $arr_mixed[2], $arr_mixed[3]\n");
//printing complete arrays
print ("arr_num is...\n");
print_r ($arr_num);
print ("arr_string is...\n");
print_r ($arr_string);
print ("arr_mixed is...\n");
print_r ($arr_mixed);
The output of the above example is:
Array elements: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50
Array elements: Laptop, Mobile, Tablet
Array elements: Hello, 10, friends, 20
arr_num is...
[0] => 10
[1] => 20
[2] => 30
[3] => 40
[4] => 50
arr_string is...
[0] => Laptop
[1] => Mobile
[2] => Tablet
arr_mixed is...
[0] => Hello
[1] => 10
[2] => friends
[3] => 20
Example 2: Use of PHP array() Function
Here, we are creating associative (array with keys & values) and printing elements using keys and also printing the complete array.
//creating student array with keys & values
$std = array('id' => "101", 'name' => "Amit", 'course' => "B.Tech");
//printing elemenets
print ("std elements...\n");
print ("Id = " . $std['id'] . " Name = " . $std['name'] . " Course = " . $std['course']);
//printing complete array
print ("std...\n");
The output of the above example is:
std elements...
Id = 101 Name = Amit Course = B.Techstd...
[id] => 101
[name] => Amit
[course] => B.Tech
To understand the above examples, you should have the basic knowledge of the following PHP topics: