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C++ program to overload unary pre-increment operator
Learn: How to overload a unary pre-increment operator in C++? This post contains program on it with the example and explanation.
Read: operator overloading and its rules
Overloading unary pre-increment operator
Here, we are implementing/defining unary pre-increment operator overloading in C++ programming, to define it: use operator keyboard as function name and then write operator symbol.
return_type operator++(function_argument)
C++ program to overload unary pre-increment operator
using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
class Sample {
// private data member
int count;
// default constructor
Sample() { count = 0; }
// parameterized constructor
Sample(int c) { count = c; }
// operator overloading
void operator++() { ++count; }
// printing the value
void printValue() { cout << "Value of count : " << count << endl; }
// main program
int main() {
int i = 0;
// object creation
Sample S1(10);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Incrementing object
// S1++; //Error
return 0;
Value of count : 11
Value of count : 12
Value of count : 13
Value of count : 14
Value of count : 15
Value of count : 16
Value of count : 17
Value of count : 18
Value of count : 19
Value of count : 20
In this program, we have created a class named Sample. It contains a data member value. And we have implemented a function to overload pre-increment operator.
We cannot use post-increment with this method of operator overloading.
++S1 is the statement which is calling the pre-incremented overloaded operator, which will increase the value of private data member (value) .
We can use below statement also in place of ++S1: S1.operator++();