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C++ programming language
C++ Operators
Operators are symbols which take one or more operands or expressions and perform arithmetic or logical computations.
List of Operators Introduced in C++
C++ supports all operators of C, C++ introduces some new operators given as below:
Scope Resolution Operator (SRO) ::
:: (scope resolution) operator is used to qualify hidden names so that you can still use them.
:: (SRO) can be used two types:
- You can use the unary scope operator if a namespace scope or global scope name is hidden by an explicit declaration of the same name in a block or class.
- You can also use the class scope operator to qualify class names or class member names. If a class member name is hidden, you can use it by qualifying it with its class name and the class scope operator.
Use of unary SRO:
:: variable_name;
Use as class scope (to access class member):
class_name :: class_member;
Example of Scope Resolution Operator (SRO)
// Program to illustrate :: (SRO operator)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int var = 100; // Global variable
int main() {
int var = 200;
cout << "value of var (local) : " << var << endl;
cout << "value of var (Global): " << ::var << endl;
::var = ::var + 20; // updating global value
var = var + 20; // updating local value
cout << "value of var (local) : " << var << endl;
cout << "value of var (Global): " << ::var << endl;
return 0;
value of var (local) : 200
value of var (Global): 100
value of var (local) : 220
value of var (Global): 120
Program to illustrate :: (SRO operator) with class
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class sample {
static int count;
int sample::count = 100;
int main() {
cout << "Value is = " << sample::count << endl;
sample::count += 1;
cout << "AFTER UPDATING..........\n";
cout << "Value is = " << sample::count << endl;
return 0;
Value is = 100
Value is = 101
Member dereferencing operator
C++ permits to access the class member functions through pointer, to achieve this functionality ( accessing class member through a pointer), C++ provides the set of these three operators to declare and access.
1. Pointer-to-member declarator [::*]
is used to declare a pointer of member function. To access the class member function using pointer, you must declare the pointer of that function.
Return_Type (Class_Name::* pointer_name) (Argument_List)= & class_name::fun_name;
2. Pointer-to-member operator [.*]
Pointer-to-member operator is used to access member function thorugh pointer, ( if class object is not a pointer)
3. Pointer-to-member operator [->*]
Pointer-to-member operator is used to access member function thorugh pointer, ( if class object is a pointer)
(Object_Name .*Pointer_Fun_Name)([Argument_List]);
(Pointer_Object_Name ->*Pointer_Fun_Name)([Argument_List]);
Example of Member dereferencing operator
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Sample {
int a;
Sample(int a) // constructor
this->a = a;
int fun(void) {
cout << "\nBody of fun (class Sample), value of a= " << a << endl;
return 0;
int main() {
Sample Obj(100), *PObj;
PObj = &Obj;
// declaration of pointer to member function..
int (Sample::*ptrFun)(void);
// initialization of pointer to member function
ptrFun = &Sample::fun;
// access using simple object
// access using pointer object
return 0;
Body of fun (class Sample), value of a= 100
Body of fun (class Sample), value of a= 100
new Operator
new is used to allocate memory for a variable, object, array, array of objects.. etc at run time. "To declaring memory at run time is known as dynamic memory allocation." we use memory by this method (dynamic allocation) when it is not known in advance how much memory space is needed.
since "these operators manipulate memory on the free store, so they are also known as free store operators.
the new operator can be used to create objects of any type, it takes the following general form:
pointer_variable = new data_type;
Here, pointer_variable is a variable that store the starting address of allocating memory space.
Example of new Operator
// Program to illustrate new ..
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int *age = new int;
char *gender = new char;
*age = 0; // assigning default value (not necessary)
*gender = 'M'; // assigning default value (not necessary)
// taking input through keyboard
cout << "Enter your age ? :";
cin >> (*age);
cout << "AGE IS : " << *age << ",GENDER IS : " << *gender << endl;
return 0;
Enter your age ? :23
delete Operator
delete operator is used to Deallocates the dynamically allocated memory.
Since the necessity of dynamic memory is usually limited to specific moments within a program, once it is no longer needed it should be freed so that the memory becomes available again for other requests of dynamic memory. This is the purpose of the operator delete.
delete takes the following general form:
1. delete pointer_variable;
2. delete []pointer_variable;
The first expression should be used to delete memory allocated for a single element, and the second one for memory allocated for arrays of elements.
Example of delete Operator
// Program to declare dynamic array of integers...
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int *array; // declaration
int max, i;
cout << "Enter total number of elements :";
cin >> max;
// declare memory @ run time to max element...
array = new int[max];
// read values
cout << "Enter array elements:\n";
for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
cout << "Element " << i + 1 << ": ";
cin >> array[i];
cout << "Elements are : ";
for (i = 0; i < max; i++) {
cout << array[i] << "\t";
// release dynamically allocated space
delete[] array;
cout << endl;
return 0;
Enter total number of elements :5
Enter array elements:
Element 1: 111
Element 2: 222
Element 3: 333
Element 4: 444
Element 5: 555
Elements are : 111 222 333 444 555
Note******* after releasing memory, pointer_variable does not destroy, only allocated block of memory destroyed.
consider the following code:
delete []array;
cout<<"\nElements are (after releasing memory):\n";
for(i=0;i< max;i++){
cout<< array[i] <<"\t";
Enter total number of elements :5
Enter array elements:
Element 1: 111
Element 2: 222
Element 3: 333
Element 4: 444
Element 5: 555
Elements are : 111 222 333 444 555
Elements are (after releasing memory):
-572662307 -572662307 -572662307 -572662307 -572662307
delete Operator for 2-D Array
We can declare a 2-D array using new operator.
it takes the following general form:
pointer_variable= new data-type[max_row*max_col];
here max_row is maximum number of rows and max_col is maximum number of cols.
Note that the earlier expression of X[i][j] has been replaced by X[i*c+j].
where c represents the maximum number of columns in the 2-D array X.
Example of delete Operator for 2-D Array
// Declare 2-D array using new operator
#include <iostream.h>
int main() {
int *arr;
int rows, cols, i, j;
cout << "Enter rows ?:";
cin >> rows;
cout << "Enter cols ?:";
cin >> cols;
// declare 2-D array
arr = new int[rows * cols];
// read value
cout << "Enter elements ..\n";
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
cout << "Enter value ? :";
cin >> arr[i * cols + j];
// print in matrix format
cout << "Entered elements are :\n";
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
cout << arr[i * cols + j] << "\t";
cout << endl;
return 0;
Enter total number of elements :5
Enter array elements:
Element 1: 11
Element 2: 22
Element 3: 33
Element 4: 44
Element 5: 55
Elements are : 11 22 33 44 55