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Mutable data member in C++ programming language
Learn: What is Mutable Data member in C++, how to define it? Class example with mutable data member in C++ programming language
What is Mutable data member in C++?
Mutable data member is that member which can always be changed; even if the object is const type. It is just opposite to “const”. Sometime we required to use only one or two data member as a variable and other as a constant. In that situation, mutable is very helpful to manage classes.
To make data member as a mutable, we need to use mutable keyword. It is in-built in C++ language.
Example of Mutable data member in C++
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Sample {
int x;
mutable int y;
Sample(int a = 0, int b = 0)
x = a;
y = b;
//function to set value of x
void setx(int a = 0)
x = a;
//function to set value of y
//value of y being changed, even if member function is constant.
void sety(int b = 0) const
y = b;
//function to display x and y.
//this has to be const type, if member function is constant type.
void display() const
cout << endl
<< "x: " << x << " y: " << y << endl;
int main()
const Sample s(10, 20); // A const object
cout << endl
<< "Value before change: ";
s.setx(100); //Error: x can not be changed, because object is constant.
s.sety(200); //y still can be changed, because y is mutable.
cout << endl
<< "Value after change: ";
return 0;
In this program, statement s.setx(100); will produce an error but statement s.sety(200); will not.
Thus, it is cleared that we can change only the value of y (because of mutable) and we cannot change the value of x.