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C bitwise operators programs
C program to set/clear (high/low) bits of a number.
This program will set or clear (high or low) bits of a number, this operation can be performed using Bitwise OR (|) and Bitwise AND (&) operators.
High/Low (Set/Clear) bits of a number using C program
/* C program to set and clear bits of a number.*/
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
unsigned int num = 0x0C;
/*set 0th and 1st bits*/
num |= (1 << 0); /*set 0th bit*/
num |= (1 << 1); /*set 1st bit*/
printf("\nValue of num = %04X after setting 0th and 1st bits.", num);
/*clear 0th and 1st bits*/
num &= ~(1 << 0); /*set 0th bit*/
num &= ~(1 << 1); /*set 1st bit*/
printf("\nValue of num = %04X after clearing 0th and 1st bits.", num);
return 0;
Value of num = 000F after setting 0th and 1st bits.
Value of num = 000C after clearing 0th and 1st bits.
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