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valarray sqrt() Function in C++ with Examples

C++ valarray sqrt() Function: Here, we will learn about the sqrt() function, its usages, syntax and examples.
Submitted by Shivang Yadav, on May 13, 2022

The valarray class in C++ is a special container that is used for holding elements like an array and performing operations on them.

Mathematical sqrt value (Square root)

The square root of a number is the factor value which when multiplied by itself gives the number.

C++ STL std::sqrt(std::valarray) Function

The sqrt() function of the valarray class is used to calculate the value of the square root of elements of the valarray. It returns a valarray with each element's square root.


template< class T >
valarray<T> sqrt( const valarray<T>& va );

// or


It accepts a single parameter which is the original valarray.

Return value

It returns a valarray with the square root value of each element of the original valarray.

Example 1

#include <iostream>
#include <valarray>
using namespace std;

int main()
    // Declaring valarray
    valarray<int> myvalarr = { 0, 16, 729, 100, 1 };

    // Printing the elements of valarray
    cout << "The elements of orignal valarray are : ";
    for (int& ele : myvalarr)
        cout << ele << " ";

    // Creating a new valarray
    valarray<int> sqrtValArray;
    sqrtValArray = sqrt(myvalarr);

    cout << "\nThe square root elements valarray are : ";
    for (int& ele : sqrtValArray)
        cout << ele << " ";

    return 0;


The elements of orignal valarray are : 0 16 729 100 1 
The square root elements valarray are : 0 4 27 10 1

Example 2

#include <iostream>
#include <valarray>
using namespace std;

int main()
    // Declaring valarray
    valarray<double> myvalarr = { 0, 16, 34.65, 5.76, -1 };

    // Printing the elements of valarray
    cout << "The elements of orignal valarray are : ";
    for (double& ele : myvalarr)
        cout << ele << " ";

    // Creating a new valarray
    valarray<double> sqrtValArray;
    sqrtValArray = sqrt(myvalarr);

    cout << "\nThe square root elements valarray are : ";
    for (double& ele : sqrtValArray)
        cout << ele << " ";

    return 0;


The elements of orignal valarray are : 0 16 34.65 5.76 -1 
The square root elements valarray are : 0 4 5.88643 2.4 -nan 

Note: The square root of a negative value is nan (not a number).


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