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Converting String into Set in C++ STL
C++ STL | Converting String into Set: Here, we are going to learn how to convert String into Set in C++ Standard Template Library (STL)?
Submitted by Sanjeev, on April 16, 2019
C++ STL (Standard Template Library) supports multiple templates which we can use to perform different functions.
What are sets in C++ STL?
Sets are one of the templates available in the C++ STL. Sets are the containers which stores unique elements i.e. one element can occur only once.
Converting String into Set in C++ STL
Strings can be converted into sets by any one of the following methods.
1) By passing string into the set constructor
set <char>set_obj ( begin( string_name ) , end( string_name ) )
2) By iterating over the string using for-each loop
for ( auto x : string_name )
set_obj.insert( x )
By using the above two methods, a string can be converted into a set.
C++ STL program to convert string into set
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
// To use sets and set related functions
#include <set>
// To use strings and string related functions
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main(){
string name = "Includehelp";
// Method 1, by passing string into the set constructor;
set <char> set_name(begin(name), end(name));
cout << "Converted by passing string into constructor" << endl;
// Range-based for loop OR For-each loop
for (auto i : set_name)
cout << i << " ";
cout << endl;
// Method 2, by iterating over string and inserting each
// element of string into the set
set <char> name_set;
// Ranged-based for loop OR For-each loop
for (auto i : name)
cout << "Converted by iterating over string" << endl;
// Range-based for loop OR For-each loop
for (auto i : name_set)
cout << i << " ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
Converted by passing string into constructor
I c d e h l n p u
Converted by iterating over string
I c d e h l n p u